
Initially it wasn’t in the manuscript. That was the case until the Lord laid out the theme in great detail, at nearly the last minute, in the midst of a dream one night. Its inclusion has been powerful, as many have relayed to me the Lord’s ministry in their lives through chapter six in The Other Side of the Fence. It is a chapter called Identity: Stolen!
The Lord Almighty has bestowed upon believers an amazing inheritance for eternity as well as an overwhelmingly powerful identity for today and beyond. Look at this list and prepare to be encouraged!

* Understanding
* Enabling
* Worship
* Perseverance
* A refusal of the pleasures of sin
* A lack of fear.

Those are just a few of the attributes our identity holds as believers of the Almighty. These and more are at hand, available for the life of every believer, including you and I whether we feel it or not, simply because of faith in our God. He supplies the strength and the path, all we have to do is simply believe. The “list”, one of a several found in the Bible I might add, is spread out amongst the verses of Hebrews, Chapter 11. Take a peek and prepare to be encouraged. It’s good!
Meanwhile, take a look at some of the words Reba from California has to say about chapter 6, Identity: Stolen!
The Other Side Of the Fence came at the perfect time in my life!…I was really struggling, not so in my relationship to God, but more with my identity in Christ. I have fibromyalgia and a few other health issues that have ailed me for quite some time. I began to feel as though I did not belong. I was losing my identity…not going to church, Bible talk, fellowship times, or the likes. I couldn’t make them. I felt like, “God, what am I doing? I feel my identity at these functions and get so much encouragement from them. Where do I belong now?”
…I read this: “Cling to that identity friend. Keep your identity as a child of the most High God, as that identity in Christ is invaluable in the battle against temptation. Remember, in faith, we can be who He says we are, and we can be led into the land He promises. Our God is able!

My identity has always been there, but I was looking for church and people to validate my identity. God is so much bigger than my health, all I have to do is cling to Him…and God will do the rest.

I feel more confident knowing I am waking up with my identity in Christ and that no one can take that from me or you…

Reba-Daughter of God, married to a military husband, mother of 3 amazing kids, and grandmother to a sweet boy

Be encouraged this week, friends, as you walk in your Christ-given identity. He died on the cross that you would have everything you need. Choose to walk in that strength, choose to walk in the identity sweet branches.

Do you struggle with rejection?

Removing the Sting of Rejection

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