Would You Like More of God? {Book Review}

Book Cover of More of God

As a young Christian, I wanted more of God. A thirst for day-to-day living built. I desired to be closer to Him in daily living while on earth, not only for a salvation prayer. But I didn’t know how to go about deeping my relationship with my Father.

Over time, however, the answer appeared–little by little.

How about you? Have you ever asked, or maybe you’re asking the question right now, How do I get more of God?

Consider a friendship or a relationship with someone you dated. It took time to get to know that person, didn’t it? It required spending time together, talking, listening, and sharing experiences.

It’d be fun to know folks right away–or maybe a little scary?!–but first impressions morph into real personalities. And if you’re like me, first impressions are WAY off base. We come to know folks through time spent together.

It’s similar with God. Spending time with Him helps us have “more of God.” But the sprinting pace of life often collides with our deepening relationship with the Almighty, leaving it derailed or delayed. We find ourselves wanting more of God, but we’re not certain how to intertwine that desire in a practial way with today’s busy lifestyle.

Who Is This Book For?

If this is you, a busy woman sprinting through life, there’s a new tool available you’ll want to know about.

And if you’re simply a Jesus lover, open to ideas for a more meaningful quiet time with the Lord, then read on. This is for you, too.

Releasing TODAY is a new book that addresses God and our quiet times with Him. It’s called More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times by Betsy de Cruz.

Tell Me More…

From the first chapter, I loved More of God--probably more so than any other nonfiction book I’ve encountered in recent months. It’s practical, easy to read, and is threaded with the compassion our friend Betsy offers in real life as well. (Read sample chapters here.)

I immediately began considering who I could buy it for. (The list is growing and even includes my teenaged daughter!)

Betsy journeys alongside us, giving us permission to let go of the guilt–so needed for many of us! She champions a doable approach for even the busiest of women.

Her stories assure she understands how life’s pace gets in the way. And knowing her personally, I can assure you, she does indeed understand. I still scratch my head, wondering how she managed the pace with life in the Middle East and US as well as homeschooling, writing, and a slew of other responsibilites.

Betsy’s practical solutions, for just a few minutes a day, help readers dive into more meaningful quiet times with our Lord. And that, my friend, is where the rubber meets the road. This is about growing our relationship with God.


One of my favorite takeaways included Betsy’s suggestion to read a Psalm each day. I’ve read Psalms each day often during my relationship with the Lord. In fact, I have a reading plan that combines Psalms and Proverbs and another one that shares the power in proclaiming them. But lately, they’ve been off my radar. Thanks to Betsy, they’re back on. I added Psalms back into the reading routine this week. Just one a day–like a vitamin. And it’s good. Thanks, Betsy!


Our friend also suggested reviewing the previous day’s reading. I can honestly say I’ve not ever thought of doing that. What a great idea!

But those are just two of the many ideas Betsy uses herself or suggests we consider trying. Many more await!

Where Can I Pick Up a Copy?

More of God: A Distracted Woman’s Guide to More Meaningful Quiet Times by Betsy de Cruz is available on Amazon. Both electronic and print versions are available. Grab your copy, be encouraged by sweet Betsy, and, most importantly, grow in your relationship with Jesus.

After all, busyness has nothing on a #Jesusgirl! 😉

Betsy supplied a free copy of More of God in exchange for an honest review.

Linking with other Jesus lovers and writers here: ByHisGraceGirls FB Group, #heartencouragementThursday

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  1. Dear Kristi! Thanks so much for featuring my book on your blog today, friend. It means the world to me. I appreciated your take on the book and some of the ideas!

    God has already blessed you with so much of Himself! Praying now that His Spirit in you will only increase.

  2. Loved this review Kristi!! I am wanting so badly to read more but find time just gets away from me these days. But this looks like a book I will have to get because it sounds like what I need! And I love the idea of reading the Psalms every day!! I have always read a Proverb a day since there are 31 of them but never thought of doing the Psalms too!! Great review and I am looking forward to reading it!! Enjoyed linking up with you at #heartEncouragement and always love reading your posts!!