Books for Writers (& Other Resources)

Books for Writers title overtop a stack of books
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  • General Craft & Resource Books
  • Non-fiction Craft Books
  • Fiction Craft Books
  • Online Writer Communities
  • Oklahoma Writing Groups
  • SEO & Blogging Help
  • Affiliate Suggestions for Bloggers
  • Website, Graphics, & Publishing Tools/Help
  • Planners for Writers
  • Helpful Writing Sites & Podcasts
  • Music to Spur the Words

General Craft & Resource Books

The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style – Robert Hudson, General Editor

The Christian Writer’s Market Guide

Dreyer’s English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style by Benjamin Dreyer

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King (Language is a bit colorful at times.)

Non-fiction Craft Books

The Art of Spiritual Writing: How to Craft Prose That Engages and Inspires Your Readers by Vinita Hampton Wright

Unleash the Writer Within: The Essential Writers’ Companion by Cecil Murphey

On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser

Fiction Craft Books

The Emotion Thesaurus

Hooked: Write Fiction that Grabs Readers at Page One and Never Lets Them Go

Story Genius

Save the Cat! Writes a Novel

How to Write a Brilliant Romance

Goal, Motivation & Conflict

Online Writer Communities

COMPEL Training (strong for nonfiction)

Novel Academy (fiction mostly + business of writing)

American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) (fiction)

Faith, Hope, & Love Christian Writers (romance/fiction)

Oklahoma Writing Groups

Tulsa – Fellowship of Christian Writers (FCW)
Find them on Facebook, meets monthly, educational.

Oklahoma City – Oklahoma Christian Fiction Writers (a branch of ACFW)
Meets monthly, always educational.

SEO & Blogging Help

Christian Bloggers Bootcamp
Highly recommended! Small class sizes & accessible teacher. Helped me tremendously.

Defining Your Ministry Audience (Free)

SEO for Christian bloggers

SEO Fundamentals for Christian Bloggers (Free)

Blog Planning Toolkit for Christian Bloggers

Jesus Online – A Complete Guide to Starting A Christian Blog Ministry (FREE)

Keywords Everywhere

Affiliate Suggestions for Bloggers Affiliates

ConvertKit for email marketing (Newsletters, a single email msg. to subscribers)

Sticker Mule (They have fantastic sales on customized bubble mailers, stickers, and many other marketing materials.)

Gray camoflauge Customized Bubble mailer that say Book Mail from Kristi Woods on it

Share A Sale (There are several Christian affiliates available here.)

Swagbucks (A fun and easy way to accumulate points for free giveaway gift certificates simply by making online purchases through this site.)

Website, Graphics, & Publishing Tools/Help

Has discounts from time to time on products like Deposit Photos and PublishDrive. Sign up through the link above to receive notice of these special digital deals.

Deposit Photos
Inexpensive photos, especially if you sign up through the AppSumo deal 1x/year. Rights are listed, so no worries about copyright issues for blog posts, etc.

Wonderful site for creating graphics (Free and paid version)

Self-Publishing (Magazines & Books – for gifts and sales)

ProWriting Aid
(I LOVE this tool. Not only does it indicate grammar and punctuation mistakes, but it also highlights passive voice and other things to help the writer create a stronger piece.)

Planners for Writers

My Brilliant Writing Planner

Helpful Writing Sites

The Write Conversation with Edie Melson (Both fiction & nonfiction)

Writers Helping Writers (Fiction)

Writer’s Digest

The Steve Laube Agency

Books & Such

Helpful Writing Podcasts

Novel Marketing Podcast

The Christian Publishing Show Podcast

Book Marketing Mania with Kim Stewart

The Creative Penn Podcast

Music to Spur the Words

(Many have YouTube or other free links as well as paid products.)