Guest Post

Encouraging women to walk deeper with God at Kristi Woods (.net) through mentoring tools and ideas offered in guest post (s).

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped { Guest Post }

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped { Guest Post }

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped Welcome to today’s guest blogger, Crystal Storms. She’s a friend from my days in Florida. She’s a past guest here as well, and gosh, we love this girl. A hearty welcome to Crystal Storms. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when longing is fulfilled, it is a…

4 Ways to Model Your Marriage According to the Master Plan

4 Ways to Model Your Marriage According to the Master Plan

by Liz Giertz, guest blogger/writer I don’t know about you, but the longer I’m married, the more I see and hear stories of messy marriages and notice the missteps in my own. Maybe our depraved culture is to blame. It’s possible feminism is the problem. Perhaps, a societal lack of commitment is crippling the covenant….

Four Keys to Effective Prayer {Guest Post by Jim Wolstenholm}

Four Keys to Effective Prayer {Guest Post by Jim Wolstenholm}

  Four Keys to Effective Prayer By Jim Wolstenholm Nearly everyone prays – you pray. But do you pray effective prayer? Does your prayer make a difference? Does your prayer get answered? Effective prayer is answered prayer! When we pray effective prayers, they make a profound difference. While faith that your prayers will be answered…