Guest Post

Encouraging women to walk deeper with God at Kristi Woods (.net) through mentoring tools and ideas offered in guest post (s).

Words You Never Want to Hear – “It’s Cancer” {Guest Post by Micah Maddox}

Words You Never Want to Hear – “It’s Cancer” {Guest Post by Micah Maddox}

(Excerpt taken from Anchored In: Experience a Power-Full Life in a Problem-Filled World by Micah Maddox.)  They prepped my adoptive dad for surgery and we waited. Just weeks before we had received news that no one ever wants to hear—“It’s cancer.” There are so many emotions that bombard your heart when you hear these words….

How Do We Handle Envy? A Round Table Discussion {Part 4 of 4}

How Do We Handle Envy? A Round Table Discussion {Part 4 of 4}

  Welcome to part 4 of “A Round Table Discussion” concerning E  N  V  Y. It’s been a strong week in the word, hasn’t it? We started with Part 1 on Tuesday, then on to Part 2 Wednesday. Part 3 hit yesterday, and the final, sending-forth post is part 4 today. I’d like to thank Tiffany Parry, Abby…

How Do We Handle Envy? A Round Table Discussion {Part 3 of 4}

How Do We Handle Envy? A Round Table Discussion {Part 3 of 4}

Welcome back to A Round Table Discussion! We’re sitting around the table, talking about envy this week. Today is part 3 of our conversation with these lovely ladies: Find part 1 here and part 2 here.  Let’s continue with the rich discussion, shall we? 5. What biblical battle with envy sticks out to you, either…

How Do We Handle Envy? A Round Table Discussion {Part 2 of 4}

How Do We Handle Envy? A Round Table Discussion {Part 2 of 4}

Welcome back to “A Round Table Discussion”! Our conversation highlights envy this week – how to battle it well. Abby McDonald, Lisa Appelo, Tiffany Parry, Betsy de Cruz, and Kristine Brown are joining us as we throw the covers off envy. After all, it’s a temptation most of us face. Why not talk about how to conquer…