101 Prayers for Military Wives Gift Book

book cover of 101 prayers for military wives along with cross and picture of sailors saluting

101 Prayers for Military Wives Gift Book

Now Available

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Quote from a reader for 101 Prayers for Military Wives, picture of the book cover near a Bible, too
Hand holding gift book, 101 Prayers for Military Wives, with purchaser quote beside it.

Hey, military wife, you’re not alone.

It may feel like it at times–with loneliness and the crushing load while he’s away. With schedule uncertainties and adjustments when he’s home.

But please know this.

God sees. (He does.)

He cares. (For real.)

He proves trustworthy. (Always.)

101 Prayers for Military Wives is an invitation to commune with and trust the Almighty with daily life as a military spouse. Bask in hope-filled conversation, lay out your requests, and lend a listening ear. Utter these prayers threaded with hope, ones hemmed in with peace. And cling to the Living God as you navigate each step.

You’ve got this, military spouse. Because God’s got you.

Available wherever books are sold.

Take a Listen

Each podcast shares a different part of the story associated with 101 Prayers for Military Wives. Enjoy!

Headshots of Kristi Woods and Doris Swift for Fierce Calling Podcast, Encouragement for Staying the Course
Encouragement for Staying the Course
Listen Here
A mom holding a baby announcing podcast with guest Kristi Woods
The Power of Prayer for the Military Wife
Listen Here
Gather the Scattered Podcast with a headshot of a woman with long, blonde hair.

Finding Small Groups
Listen Here
God in the Ordinary Podcast with Kristi Woods
God in the Ordinary
Listen Here
Headshots of Kim Stewart and Kristi Woods on Christian podcast Book Marketing Mania to discuss 101 Prayers for Military Wives
Prayers & Support for Military Wives
Listen Here
Stationed with Stories Podcast cover for episode featuring guest Kristi Woods
Faith As An Anchor
Listen Here

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