Faith Resources

Kristi Woods offers faith resources such as books, blogs, Bible studies, podcasts, and free resources to help grow your faith.

How to Pray for Grandchildren and Future Generations

How to Pray for Grandchildren and Future Generations

Pray for grandchildren? You betcha! In March, I became a grandma. Holding our sweet little granddaughter caused me to recall an article I wrote about praying for grandchildren and future generations. This little girl I held is the first fruit. Incredible. The article was written and initially published in 2019, so times and people have…

Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life: A Power that Transforms Lives {Study Guide with Prayer Prompts}

Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life: A Power that Transforms Lives {Study Guide with Prayer Prompts}

Unleash the Power of Prayer. Whisper. Do you know what you have to do to hear someone whisper? You have to lean in closer to listen to their voice and hear what they say. The Prophet Elijah is one of my favorites in the Bible. He truly believed in the power of prayer, but most…

5 Powerful Bible Verses About Prayer + Lord’s Prayer PDF

5 Powerful Bible Verses About Prayer + Lord’s Prayer PDF

Have you ever considered how powerful Bible verses about prayer are? Keep reading as we cover several prayer scriptures and five specific ones to study, memorize, and use when needed. When my husband was half a world away with the military, the Holy Spirit nudged me to pray for him. Communication had been shut off…

Happy New Years Prayer for Releasing Control {+ Free Prayer Printable}

Happy New Years Prayer for Releasing Control {+ Free Prayer Printable}

Happy New Years Prayer Do you struggle with releasing control and would benefit from a happy new years prayer focused right there–on releasing control? I get you. Let’s dig in. Wrestling for Control There are far too many days when I scratch and claw or even finagle for control. And sometimes, on those days, my…

Don’t Miss These Best Christian Novels of the Year

Don’t Miss These Best Christian Novels of the Year

Looking for a list of the best Christian novels of the year? You won’t want to miss the titles on this list. All provide clean entertainment, and some delve the reader further into considering their own faith. 2022 offered several stellar releases. Enjoy! What is a Good Christian Book Series to Read? You won’t want…