How Do We Handle Envy? A Round Table Discussion {Part 4 of 4}


Welcome to part 4 of “A Round Table Discussion” concerning

E  N  V  Y.

It’s been a strong week in the word, hasn’t it? We started with Part 1 on Tuesday, then on to Part 2 Wednesday. Part 3 hit yesterday, and the final, sending-forth post is part 4 today.

I’d like to thank Tiffany Parry, Abby McDonald, Betsy de Cruz, Kristine Brown, and Lisa Appelo for joining us.

Wasn’t their input and insight fabulous? I praise God for these gals.

(If you’d like to read more of their encouraging, beautiful writing, click on their names above the picture. It will take you directly to their blog.)

I also praise God for you. Your input and comments, readers, has been valuable in the battle against envy. Thank you for freely offering them. You encourage many.

And now for the final segment on this first “Round Table Discussion” concerning envy.

7. What additional insight or fighting gear has the Lord given you?

Betsy de Cruz: I’m most tempted to envy when I’m comparing myself with others. An important way to combat envy is to simply focus on taking joy in the life God is calling me to. When I’m grateful for what He’s given me, envy shrinks. If I’m careful to thank him for whatever I have, my tendency to compare my belongings with what others have lessens. When I focus on being faithful to my own calling and take joy in that, I feel greater peace.  I don’t have to compare my house or my family or my ministry with someone else’s. I’m free to be me.

When I focus on being faithful to my own calling...I feel greater peace.~@BetsydeCruz Share on X

Lisa Appelo: If we’re going to put off envy, we need to put on something else – love. When I replace love where I’m tempted to feel envy, it makes a world of difference. I can cheerlead rather than compare.

When I replace love where I’m tempted to feel envy...I cheerlead rather than compare. @AppeloLisa Share on X

When I’m tempted to envy someone in ministry, the Lord has pricked me with this: Do I really think I can handle all the Kingdom work? There is so much work to be done in God’s Kingdom that we need each other and should encourage rather than envy each other’s ministry.

Kristi Woods: Pray immediately. And continue praying. Pray for the other party and self. Pray for forgiveness and blessing – blessing especially for the other person. We don’t have to cave under guilt, but how good, freeing, and overcoming to offer the situation to our Father for forgiveness and glory. After all, who doesn’t like and need prayer? It’s listed right there in Ephesians, in addition to our spiritual armor. Prayer is power – even over envy.

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; with all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints:

Eph. 6:17-18 WEB

Envy is a foe, not a friend. It’s spiritual warfare. Let’s battle accordingly and be willing it fling it off as fast as we would a stinging bee. No more lugging it around as it venom pumps through our blood. Just Jesus, not envy. Yes, just Jesus.


8. Additional Reading

4 Ways You Can Combat Envy

9. A Prayer for the Path Ahead as We End Here ~

Our first Round Table Discussion is coming to an end. Feel free to offer this prayer now or when you’re ready. Feel free to share it. Also, look for other prayers on our social media pages today as well. We’re praying for you. We’re praying for ourselves. We’re uprooting envy with the help of the Spirit and clothing ourselves in Christ. All glory to God!

I look to you for salvation. Thank you for the cross and the wisdom your Spirit offers. With Your Spirit now, counsel me in understanding – understanding that the time for salvation grows near and that the filty rag of envy must be discarded. Teach me how to remove its cloak and how to fit myself well with your armor, with righteous living. Clothe me in Jesus Christ. Teach me how to wear love versus envy. I’m Yours alone, Lord. 

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

(Prayer based on Romans 13:11-14)
Joining other Jesus-lovin’ and lifting writers here: #faithonfire & #graceandtruth. 
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  1. This series has unearthed the issues that brew, sometimes undetected and sometimes unregenerated, in my heart. Oy, it does feel icky as Kristine said but we should be able to live victoriously above this in Christ. That’s the goal and our right. Loved this series, Kristi.

    1. Amen, Lisa. It’s a breath of fresh Jesus air as we end this first-ever Round Table. I loved spending time with you at the table, friend. May we all walk away changed and beaming with His glory. And envy? Eh! To the curb with it. 😉

  2. Kristi, loved what you said about flinging off envy fast. Boy, we are all vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks in this area. Envy and jealousy (and other undesirable heart attitudes) can spring up out of nowhere it seems. I try to be alert to them and douse them immediately. Like you said, fling them off fast!

    1. So true, Cheryl. Often I think I have a good handle on it and then, out of nowhere I will feel it in my heart. We have to be watchful for sure and keep our minds filled with the truth. Thank you for being here today!

  3. Isn’t it amazing how effective prayer is at changing our heart/attitude? I can definitely see how it could help with envy–because suddenly — we’re not focused inward. When I feel hurt or misunderstood by someone, I’ve begun to just pray for them–pray for their well-being and for peace, blessing and favor for them. What a difference that makes in my own peace of mind. Prayer is the threshold of peace most of the time, isn’t it? Krsiti and friends — such fun to visit with you this week. Thanks for all the time and effort and prayer y’all put into this. May the Lord bless it to grow His Kingdom. ((xoxo))

    1. Brenda, you have been a complete gem this week. Thank you for joining us and participating. You’re such a wise woman to hold others in prayer when hurt comes knocking. And yes, whether it’s roundtables or weekly blog posts, may it all be authored and used by God Almighty to build His Kingdom. Loads of xo bach at you. 😉

    2. Brenda, yes! I’ve seen God do this time and time again. He is so faithful when we have heart to change. Thanks for sharing your wisdom here today, friend. I agree with Kristi- you are a gem. <3

  4. Hi ladies,
    Yes it’s good to talk about this and thank you for having the idea and sorting it all out Kristi. I was explaining the discussion to my husband last night and we said it’s something we don’t readily acknowledge or talk openly about.
    But the discussion bought up a case recently in our lives and (when it’s a case of comparing with another sister and their gifts and how they are being used and how people are acknowledging their gifts,) one of the best ways to shove it in the face of Satan is to make friends/spend time with that person and pray for them. Then you can see God working in them for yourself and praise God for it. They won’t be perfect, and God has a different journey/plan/individual gift for all of us. We need to remind ourselves that we are here for His glory, He has a specific individual plan for all of us, we are all special and used in the way He wants, His ways are higher, it’s all in His timing, we are here for such a short time so we don’t have time to look around comparing, we just need to look up and be faithful in what He has given us, we are here for the harvest, but the workers are few,what do we think we’re doing looking around comparing – we have a job to do, come on team!! ???????????? It’s good to remind ourselves that we are all together in this and we have one God, one father, one purpose, and it’s great to build each other up as we follow Him, do His will each day, and show/share His glory with others.
    Thanks guys so much for your discussion. ????????????

  5. Thanks everyone for your feedback for the first official Round Table Discussion on E N V Y.
    You gals are welcome at the table anytime! The conversation was fabulous. May God be glorified by both it and our actions in upcoming days. May we be changed for His glory as a result. Stay tuned for another Round Table down the road. 😉 xo

  6. Wow, just read through these 4 days & so appreciate all of your wisdom in these posts on a difficult subject that so many of us have battled. Thank you Kristi, Abby, Tiffany, Kristine, Lisa, & Betsy for sharing your insights & encouragement, so agree with you, and love what you said about this being spiritual warfare, truth! First step so often is just realizing it’s there, then no more “lugging it around,” fling it off, like you said, & move forward in His grace & strength. The Lord bless you all as you keep on sharing His truth & light! 🙂