Words You Never Want to Hear – “It’s Cancer” {Guest Post by Micah Maddox}

(Excerpt taken from Anchored In: Experience a Power-Full Life in a Problem-Filled World by Micah Maddox.)

 They prepped my adoptive dad for surgery and we waited. Just weeks before we had received news that no one ever wants to hear—“It’s cancer.” There are so many emotions that bombard your heart when you hear these words. It’s not always a death sentence, but sometimes it feels that way. Even though treatments are advanced, the unknowns begin to crowd your mind and the struggle in your heart begins.

The nurse came in and out of the room filling out paper work, checking his vitals, and chatting it up about sports, and life. We had a good time laughing and joking about anything and everything we could think of. You would never know he was getting ready to go through a major surgery. Then Dad did what he always does and he asked the nurse, “Do you know Jesus?”

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The room was still, the laughter stopped, and she turned and said, “Hmm?”

“Do you know Jesus?”

“Oh.” She chuckled. “Yes, I know him.”

“Do you know Him as your Savior?” Dad asked again.

She laughed again as to keep the tone light. “I know Him.” She said.

She carried on and began joking as a way to keep things comfortable. As I sat there and listened to my dad ask the nurse about her relationship with Jesus, I struggled in my heart. The surgery my dad was about to endure would be a traumatic surgery and I wrestled to understand why God would allow it. You see, my dad was about to get a cancerous lesion removed from his tongue. One-third of his tongue would be removed in order to get all the cancer. I could not understand why God would allow this particular type of cancer to affect a man who was consistently using his mouth to edify, glorify, and spread the name of Jesus. Why wouldn’t God preserve his mouth, protect it and allow my dad to continue using his boldness to glorify God?

A pastor from our church entered the room just as I argued with God in my heart and he read these verses aloud:

“Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.” Psalm 61:1-3 (KJV)

Often when we are overwhelmed and cannot understand what God is doing, we desire to hear from Him and we want a message written in the sky. We need that confirmation that He is near and that He is aware of all that we are going through. God proved to me in that moment that although my dad was facing a rough road ahead, God’s presence was more powerful than anything we would go through. The shelter of His presence surrounded me and the strong tower from the devices of the enemy comforted me. The devil waits for the moment when our hearts are most tender, raw, and undone, and he creeps in subtly with questions, fears, and doubts. If he can get us to forfeit the power of God in our lives, he knows we will live in turmoil throughout the tragedies of life. But God’s power is stronger. By the simple reading aloud of His word, my heart was pierced with conviction, comfort, and a deep calm knowing God was in complete control. God securely settled my shivering soul.

We may never know why God allowed my dad to go through cancer, but we do know God’s power prevails no matter what the world brings our way. You may wonder how people have faith through the tough stuff of life. I’m learning that living anchored in God’s power is the only way. God’s Power present in a person’s heart reveals hope to a hurting world.

God's power present in a person's heart reveals hope to a hurting world. ~ Micah Maddox #AnchoredInBook Share on X

You can read more by purchasing Micah’s book @ http://www.micahmaddox.com/anchored-in/

About Micah ~

Micah Maddox is a women’s conference speaker, Bible teacher, writer, blogger, and author of Anchored In: Experience a Power-Full Life in a Problem-Filled World. She is passionate about helping women find purpose, peace, and calm in our chaotic world. As a pastor’s wife and mother of three, she contributes her time to MOPS and her local church – including serving as a women’s ministry leader. To learn more about Micah and her new book go to micahmaddox.com.

Connect with Micah on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/micahmaddoxencouragement/

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One Comment

  1. Never connected hope with power before, Michah. Lovely thought. Pain and strength seem to go hand-in-hand in the life of a believer…confounding yet comforting. ((Hug))