Ready to Grow in Faith? Soak in these 5 Summer Online Pieces

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Are you ready to grow in faith?

Imagine a seed. Got a picture in mind?

Let’s take our seed and drop it into a nice hole in the ground, then gently cover it with soil. With a little time, warmth and water, our friend will emerge as a spring-green seedling.

We’ll cheer for our little seedling. Grow baby, grow!

And it will grow – if conditions are right. Your faith will grow, too.

And do you know what else? It’ll produce fruit when the plant reaches maturity. All those sweet, juicy fruit droplets melting from mouths across the world will cause people near and far to offer a chorus of hallelujahs. (There’s nothing like a ripe mango or peach, picked straight off the tree!)

But what if our seedling quits growing?




(Wow! Did sadness just blanket the scene or what?!)

Our seedling simply refuses to grow. Then what?

So long fruit. So long maturity.

How sad to think of the potential lost. And how silly for our little friend to stay a seedling forever. What can it accomplish as only a seedling?

Faith-Building Articles and Posts

In July we noted several fiction ministry reads here. Shall we take a look at non-fiction pieces?

Below is a handy listing of several helpful pieces written for various outlets. All are tools aiding spiritual growth, keeping Kingdom fruit in mind. All of these, all in one place – for us.

Enjoy the reads, and grow baby, grow! (PS Here’s another, more recent read you’ll glean from, too. 5 Ways to Grow Your Faith.)

Uncertain What Book to Read in the Bible? Go Here.

Here’s a new piece published recently. It sits ready for times when Bible reading grows stale or we’re simply not certain what book of the Bible to read.

Gather These 5 Verses from Psalm 25 When Life Gets Heavy

Life feeling heavy? It happens, and it’s hard to garner encouragement during those times. Take a peek at these five verses. See how God speaks to you through them.

How Do you Read Your Bible? A Simple Approach for Consideration

Here’s an approach to Bible reading that helped me when I wasn’t sure where to start reading the Bible. It also helps during those “dry reading” phases some of us hit from time to time.

5 Lessons from Joshua to Help You Overcome Discouragement

Discouragement is a bear. Consider God’s Word the hunter, ready to overcome harm’s threat.

This one consists of many pieces written by folks all over the globe. Perhaps there’s a piece waiting to encourage your faith.

Lastly, a little reminder that WORD17 is on semi-vacation during August. This month’s memory verse is here, never fear, but it’s supporting Monday posts are on vacation. WORD17 will return as normal on Monday, September 4. In the meantime, look for 1 published post of varying, faith-filled content each Tuesday.

copies of Psalms Bible Reading Plan with Sign-up Title

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  1. Thanks for sharing these pieces. As we look back over the summer and ahead towards new routines in the fall, it’s always a good idea to keep our own growth in mind! Blessings to you today, dear friend!