Deepen Your Faith with These 5 Easy Summer Reads

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Ready for some summer reads? Maybe you’re a Christian fiction reader? I wasn’t–until recently. How did I not realize this missing piece of life’s puzzle?!

Fiction jetted away some time ago on a 15-year vacation. Desire to dive into her words waned – she was gone! Non-fiction remained, and I clung dearly to many reads in that realm instead. My heart seemed to beat for non-fiction books.

But a television series named identically to and based upon Janette Oke’s book When Calls the Heart swung open the doors for fiction’s return. My little feet, ’cause they’re short just right like the rest of me, shuffled into the library and nabbed a copy of Janette’s book. What a wonderful television series! However, the book, while entertaining and right for many, didn’t capture this gal. Modern-day fiction does, so I swayed over to Karen Kingsbury – and there sat the jackpot.

Maybe you’ve heard of her – Karen Kingsbury?

With her novels, a whole new chapter of life-loving Christian fiction opened. And do you know what waited among the pages? Ministry in a whole new art form! She gently weaves God into real-life scenarios, battles we face, and situations we find ourselves grappling with such as:

Because it’s summer and several of us will be donning the sands of the beach these sun-soaked months, books in hand, grab this list of options for reading pleasure. Because that’s what girlfriends do, right?  They share.

Enjoy the list, grow deeper in faith, and while we’re at, let’s chat about your favorite reads in the comments below. Who knows? One of us may take your suggestion straight to the beach!

Water view with blog post title: 5 Easy Summer Reads

5 Easy Summer Reads

All of these were authored by one of my favorites, Karen Kingsbury.

1. Between Sundays

2. Fifteen Minutes

3. The Chance

4. Above the Line Series – Take One, Take Two, Take Three, Take Four (This is a series within a series. Somehow I dove into the middle of it with the Above the Line Series. BUT it captured me, leading to the next series listed below.)

5. Bailey Flanigan Series – Leaving, Learning, Longing, Loving

Don’t Miss These Christian Fiction Posts

A Christian Fiction BONUS Suggestion

I finished this one last week, and it’s well worth the read if you’re into Christian romances. Oh, and it’s a new (to me and maybe you) author.

Meant to Be Mine by Becky Wade

Deepen your #faith with these 5 Easy Summer Reads. Share on X

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