Spiritual Growth

Kristi Woods encourages faith growth with these tools, ideas, and conversations centered on the Bible, self-worth, love, prayer, and trust.

Being A Joshua

Being A Joshua

He’s a spiritual superhero of great magnitude.  The aroma of his faith in the Lord drew to magnamous proportions, even when faced by the stench of unacceptance by the majority. He believed the Lord when it was spoken that he would be taken to the land of milk and honey, just as if he knew…

Forsaken Not

Forsaken Not

  “Never will I leave you’never will I forsake you.” Heb. 13:5 NIV **   “Forsaken!” goes the cry so often in our minds, consciously or not so consciously, as we sprint into the land of “alone” and proud might, the land that darkness and idol worship build upon. Our minds so easily turn from…