The Churches, Part 2
The churches of Revelation; they offer insight and encouragement. Revelation is still somewhat a mystery to me, yet He is there, sitting in its midst. Shall we take a look at what our Lord warns & encourages with concerning some of the other churches in Revelation?
Pergamum: A church who remained true and did not renounce their faith. Oh, to be like the church at Pergamum in that sense! However, the Lord’s warning rings forth, warning about eating food sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality. Aaahhhh…the later of which is so easily accepted in our society today. From the movies to magazines, sexual immorality is treated like a drop in the bucket of “no big thing.” In reality, the Lord warns it’s not so….
Philadelphia: Keeping His word and not denying His name, these were the folks to do so even though they lacked very much strength. They were patient, enduring much. Father, to have the patience of Philadelphia!
Laodicea: Lukewarm was the call, and they felt they had it all. Wealthy and rich was their call. However, wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked was their reality. He counseled them to buy His gold refined in the fire to become truly rich, and to put on His robe to cover the shameful nakedness. It was a loving call to repent, to follow the One who has shown us the way; Jesus. In our Lord’s words:
He is there for us today as well, the first gift of Christmas. He is standing at the door, knocking, calling our names, ready to give His free gift of salvation. Can you hear? Will you open the door? Will you join Him, feasting at the table of plenty? He’s ready….
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