Do you ever look back at situations or stare them in the face and wonder Where do I run when life’s storms approach? Sometimes there’s a common thread. Here’s mine. Maybe you can relate.
“Hurry! It’s coming. Get to a safe place,” I screeched with concern for the souls in front of me.
A tornado was twisting its way toward us.
I felt a familiar intimidation by the storm’s approach. Stomach churning and mind racing, I’d been scared by tornadoes before. But unlike past experiences, words were not at a loss this time.
In times past, my verbal warning wouldn’t go beyond Tttttttttt. Ornado simply wouldn’tflow.
I was tongue-tied in the midst of impending danger.
Held hostage by fear.
But not this time.
Fear no longer held its wrestling-style grip on me.
There, with danger in full view, I was able to megaphone the words of warning. A whole group of souls had heard.
The crowd of people morphed from their position of complacency to one of compliance, moving from the wide bellows of the hallway. I felt a sense of relief. They were going to be safe.
They had maneuvered into the gymnasium, an even more dangerous place to perch when facing an impending twister. The wide expanse of space, the heavy, powerful beams, and the high ceiling all lent themselves to destruction when rotated by a tornado. The crowd could be hurt or killed simply because of the place they ran to.
Like Adam and Eve grasping for their own covering, these folks had taken a similar approach. They ran to the safety of a place of their choosing, not God’s.
We all face storms in life, and have a choice in the midst of the trial. The place we run to will either be a refuge of safety or a harbor for harm.
These were familiar people, church people. I knew their faces personally, male and female, blue eyes and brown, grey hairs and chestnut alike. I sat beside them on Sunday pews in our small, country sanctuary. We sang choruses to God, side-by-side, enjoyed Sunday potlucks as well.
Concern refused to beam from their eyes. A glow of satisfaction covered their faces, complimented with a smile. Wide-eyed and pleased with their obedience, their demeanor expressed that life was good.
It was odd.
What? What are they doing? Don’t they know this is dangerous? They will be destroyed.
They stood and stared. The crowd gathered much like a herd of cattle, watching the farmer arriving with the night’s dinner. In their world, with their choice, all was okay.
But it wasn’t.
Their choice of covering, the gym, was not a safe place. These go-to-church-every-Sunday folks were grouped happily in the middle of a place that could be their undoing.
It was a dream from years ago, but I believe there’s a warning in its mix.
Dealing with Storms of Life
When life’s storms approach,
where do I run?
I have asked myself this question, and I pose it to you today as well.
When someone hurts your feelings or jealousy rears once again, where do you run? The refuge of the Lord or the harbor of our harmful emotions?
Magazines, television, Facebook, and friends often tell us we’re the victim, that we’re innocent, and that we deserve to feel “that” way.
And we agree.
Yes, I do! I was wronged. It’s not fair.
But maturity doesn’t comply. Maturity warrants a different nod. It’s the path to the refuge and strength of the Lord, promising more than ” I deserve” could ever serve.
Because, like Adam and Eve, we all truly deserve something worse. But when we tire of hiding, finding refuge in the gymnasium of emotions, God faithfully awaits.
How Do You Trust God in the Midst of a Storm?
“Yahweh God called to the man, and said to him, ‘Where are you?'”
Gen. 3:9 WEB
In His patience, He waits. In His love, He calls.
Oh, my sweet friend, I know how easy it is to run into the gymnasium’s expanse of withholding forgiveness, of gossiping. The storms hit. They hurt. I know how easy it is to run to the Adam and Eve covering of my knee-jerk, I’ve-been-hurt, emotional choice. I’ve paid many a visit, myself. Gossip, jealousy, discouragement, offense…they’ve all seen my face.
Even as an every-Sunday-in-the pews Christian.
But God has something better. A storm shelter that is certain, always reliable. And, it’s not the gym. It’s Him.
Maturity runs to His awaiting refuge, His love, His forgiveness. It refuses the notion that “I deserve this.” Trust baths the situation in prayer and praise, thanksgiving and petition. It calls an accountability partner and says, “I need help. Will you pray for me?” It casts its anxiety, in its multitude of forms, on the Lord.
So that storm that’s brewing? There’s a faithful shelter in which to land.
Which will you choose?
The gymnasium of emotions or the rock-solid faithfulness of His refuge and strength?
A Prayer for Strength Amid Life’s Storm
Father God,
I come to You today in praise. Thank You for being a faithful refuge, thank You for surrounding me with Your strength. Forgive me, Lord, for those times past when I’ve relied on my own strength, my own emotions. Teach me, Lord, how to run to You when the storms loom and when they hit. Teach me, Lord, how to walk in spiritual maturity. I’ll give You praise. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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My initial reaction would have been exactly what you did! Holy moly, tornado! It’s amazing when I see the complete peace of God in others during a time when panic seems impending. I know God will grow me in this area as I continue to seek Him. But, Tornado, save yourself!!!! Yet… “And, it’s not the gym. It’s Him.” Thanks so much for the reminder!!!
Kristi, I pray I always run to the shelter of God … directly to His arms. Too often I find myself running to a shadow of God, like an inspirational posting on Instagram, when true healing and comfort is found in His presence.
Thank you for your encouragement, my friend, and for blessing others with your words at #IntentionalTuesday
Thank you, Kristi, for your encouragement today. Yours is a question I’ve wrestled with over the last several years in particular. I found myself running to other people and things to gain comfort and shelter in the storm. I didn’t see it as running from God, but He illuminated my thinking. Lightbulb Moment!! I choose to run to Him, but I have to make an effort at times because this is not my flesh’s inclination… Blessings of GREAT JOY new friend on your amazing adventure journey with Jesus!
Hi Kristi, Wow, your words are powerful and full of truth. It seems that we often run everywhere BUT to the one who is our refuge and strength. Thank you for sharing. I have been struggling these past couple of weeks, and your reminder was so needed. Blessings, Kamea
Such a pertinent reminder for all of us as we face one storm here and there, or many all together. No matter how many or when these come, only God is our safe Haven, our Refuge. All can swirl around us and we can remain calm under His wing. Caring through Christ, ~ linda
What a valuable lesson here… waiting for God’s direction so we’re not caught in a trap of our own making. I was horrible at this not all that long ago, I would assume I’d sensed God’s direction, and then without waiting for the next step from Him I would rush on ahead assuming I knew where He was going next… makes for a lot of detours and wasted time, lol… Love visiting your page, Kristi, each day learning how to wait for His direction and shelter 🙂
Yes, a trap of our own making. Works right into the plans of darkness, doesn’t it? Thanks for stopping in, Christine. You’re always a joy to chat with. 🙂
Wise words. I like this line: “It refuses the notion that “I deserve this.” Yes! That is so often our falling point, isn’t it. Cheering you from Purposeful Faith’s #RaRalinkup!
“When life’s storms approach, where do I run?” Whew, 2014 was a stormy year for me. God was my refuge. He was my only safe place. Thank you Jesus! Great post Kristi!
Thank you for a post that speaks volumes of the constancy of God and our insecurities in who we are and in whom we put our trust. I pray that I run to God instead of the Gym in those moments when the world wants to suck me in and my fears threaten to overwhelm. Blessings!
Kristi, thank you for your reminders today to run to Him in our storms. I tend to hide from the storm, which in turn I hide from Him. So crazy! visiting from #dancewithJesus. have a great day, Kim
Kim, I totally get it. I hide at times as well. My guess is that we all do in one way or another. We’ll continue to encourage one another to run right to the Problem Solver. 🙂
My initial reaction would have been exactly what you did! Holy moly, tornado! It’s amazing when I see the complete peace of God in others during a time when panic seems impending. I know God will grow me in this area as I continue to seek Him. But, Tornado, save yourself!!!! Yet… “And, it’s not the gym. It’s Him.” Thanks so much for the reminder!!!
It really is a beautiful thing to see the calm of the Lord in the midst of the storm, isn’t it, Meg? Love it….love Him! Thanks for stopping by.
Kristi, I pray I always run to the shelter of God … directly to His arms. Too often I find myself running to a shadow of God, like an inspirational posting on Instagram, when true healing and comfort is found in His presence.
Thank you for your encouragement, my friend, and for blessing others with your words at #IntentionalTuesday
Me too…praying to run always to His shelter. Love you, my friend, and thankful always for your encouraging words.
Thank you, Kristi, for your encouragement today. Yours is a question I’ve wrestled with over the last several years in particular. I found myself running to other people and things to gain comfort and shelter in the storm. I didn’t see it as running from God, but He illuminated my thinking.
Lightbulb Moment!!
I choose to run to Him, but I have to make an effort at times because this is not my flesh’s inclination…
Blessings of GREAT JOY new friend on your amazing adventure journey with Jesus!
So true, Lisa! It’s easy to run to friends when we simply should run to Him. #GoJesus! Thanks for visiting.
Hi Kristi,
Wow, your words are powerful and full of truth. It seems that we often run everywhere BUT to the one who is our refuge and strength. Thank you for sharing. I have been struggling these past couple of weeks, and your reminder was so needed.
Indeed…He is our refuge and strength. Praise God for reminders. Press in, Kamea, and thanks for the visit. 🙂
Such a pertinent reminder for all of us as we face one storm here and there, or many all together. No matter how many or when these come, only God is our safe Haven, our Refuge. All can swirl around us and we can remain calm under His wing.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Amen! Thanks for visiting, Linda.
What a valuable lesson here… waiting for God’s direction so we’re not caught in a trap of our own making. I was horrible at this not all that long ago, I would assume I’d sensed God’s direction, and then without waiting for the next step from Him I would rush on ahead assuming I knew where He was going next… makes for a lot of detours and wasted time, lol…
Love visiting your page, Kristi, each day learning how to wait for His direction and shelter 🙂
Yes, a trap of our own making. Works right into the plans of darkness, doesn’t it? Thanks for stopping in, Christine. You’re always a joy to chat with. 🙂
Wise words. I like this line: “It refuses the notion that “I deserve this.” Yes! That is so often our falling point, isn’t it. Cheering you from Purposeful Faith’s #RaRalinkup!
Thanks for stopping in, Kelly. You are appreciated. Go Jesus!
“When life’s storms approach, where do I run?” Whew, 2014 was a stormy year for me. God was my refuge. He was my only safe place. Thank you Jesus! Great post Kristi!
Sounds like a rough year, Carmen. Glad you survived, His refuge is certain, and are on to a new year. Press on and in, my friend.
Thought provoking. I loved how you pulled this post together. Where do I turn? … Always to Jesus.
Yes. Always to Jesus. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Christy.
Thank you for a post that speaks volumes of the constancy of God and our insecurities in who we are and in whom we put our trust. I pray that I run to God instead of the Gym in those moments when the world wants to suck me in and my fears threaten to overwhelm. Blessings!
Hi Mary. I’ll join you in that prayer…for both of us. Blessings to you as well, and thank you for stopping by.
Kristi, thank you for your reminders today to run to Him in our storms. I tend to hide from the storm, which in turn I hide from Him. So crazy! visiting from #dancewithJesus. have a great day, Kim
Kim, I totally get it. I hide at times as well. My guess is that we all do in one way or another. We’ll continue to encourage one another to run right to the Problem Solver. 🙂