#YourStory: Horace Williams Jr.

Are You Seeing Who God Sees When You Look in the Mirror?

by Horace Williams Jr.

Earlier in the year when asked by Kristi to participate in her #Yourstory series, I was both humbled and honored. As I began to think about sharing my story, I asked God to reveal what I should share. For those of you who do not know, I survived a massive stroke in the Summer of 2010 that paralyzed all of the joints on my left side. It has been an extremely difficult and painful experience as I battle through my recovery. However, it has been an enlightening and transforming period of my life that has allowed me to see myself as Jesus sees me.

I want to share with you some of my earlier experiences that led me to that day in July of 2010…a day I will never forget. I was born in Texas, but my father was in the Army so we moved around a bit. At the age of five, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I knelt down on the side of my bed and asked Jesus to come into my heart. I was not sure at that time exactly what salvation meant, but I knew I did not want to go to hell…of that I was sure.

I knew I did not want to go to hell...of that I was sure. ~ Horace Williams Jr. Share on X

During the years that followed, I was your typical young boy. I had best friends that I loved to play with as much as possible. My parents took me to church whenever the doors were open, and I memorized lots of bible verses, too.  I admit my motivation for learning the verses was to get a gold star or the sense of accomplishment.

I’m not sure I completely understood what it meant to be a child of God.

I will never forget when I was about 12 years old. My middle brother and I were playing in our bedroom.  There was a knock at the door, and my father entered. He shared with us that God had called him to be a home missionary. As he left the room, my first thought was… Okay, you and mom have fun with that, but I wanted to stay in Iowa with my friends. I did not want to go anywhere!

Much to my dismay, within the year, we were traveling all around the country to raise financial support to serve as missionaries. I fought my parents tooth and nail doing everything I could to make sure they knew of my displeasure. I earned a PhD in rebellion during my teenage years.

One thing that was a driving force behind my defiance was fear. ~Horace Williams Jr. Share on X

There was the fear of the unknown, fear of leaving my comfort zone, and the fear of being in a new situation. Friends, fear is a very effective tool of Satan. One scripture verse that has become more profound since my stroke is found in 2nd Timothy. It reads,

For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control. Share on X

Whether young or old, fear can put a stranglehold on your thoughts which can affect your actions negatively.  So regardless of what fears you are facing, remember who you are in Christ. He has empowered you to accomplish His will for your life. When you look in the mirror, one thing you must see is you are a conqueror in Christ!

Despite the struggles, trials, and difficulties that may litter the path you travel on each day, you can overcome them in Christ. He has given you access to His power. You can access that power by going to Him in prayer. Talk with God fervently, purposefully, and persistently as you seek His will.

Another weapon Satan uses to distort the view of who you are is doubt. In the subsequent years since my stroke recovery, I’ve been battling a mysterious ailment that hinders my ability to write on a consistent basis. It interferes with my normal everyday living as well. The past few months the ailment has intensified, and has brought my writing to a halt.

During this time, my mind has been flooded with questions.

Did God really lead me to write a book on the power of prayer?

Have I done something wrong?

Am I being disciplined by God for an unconfessed sin?

Friend, God wants you to examine your heart honestly, but doubt is NOT from God.

From the moment you accepted Christ as your Savior, you have been indwelt with the Holy Spirit. God has chosen you for His purpose. He is never surprised by anything that takes place in your life. It is all part of His plan for you. (Jeremiah 29:11)

God has you right where He wants you for this exact moment in time. He never said your life as a servant of His would be easy or pain free, but He promised to bring you through. (Isaiah 43:2-3)

So the next time you look in the mirror, see yourself as God sees you. You are a chosen child of God, an empowered conqueror in Christ, and ultimately you are complete in Him.

About Horace ~

Horace Williams Jr. is a stroke survivor and born-again Christian who loves Jesus Christ. He has seen the power of prayer and God’s healing in his own life as he continues to recover from a massive stroke that paralyzed his left side almost 7 years ago. He writes at pleasingtothepotter.com. He wants to inspire, encourage, and remind Christians of God’s transforming power and love. You can download a FREE copy of his 5-star rated book, Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life, by clicking here: www.pleasingtothepotter.com/book-power-prayer/.

Linking with other Jesus writers and lovers here: #testimonyTuesday, #raralinkup, #heartencouragementThursday#chasingcommunity, #FaithonFire.
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  1. Thanks for sharing your story, Horace. Fear can be such a challenge at times and it is encouraging to remember that in Christ we are more than conquerors.

  2. Thanks for featuring Horace here, Kristi. I so enjoy this series.

    And Horace, reading more of your story blessed me. Thanks for reminding us to see ourselves as chosen children of God, empowered conquerors! Love that!

  3. Horace- thank you for sharing your story and your faith! I am all too familiar with the ways Satan likes to side -track me. Fear is my greatest barrier and Satan likes to remind me of past failures.
    I have to write it in sharpie on my hand that I am a conqueror and really believe it. Doubt likes to grab hold too.
    Great post!

    1. I hear ya Julie. It is the essence of spiritual warfare battling with fear and doubt. I am thankful that God has equipped us to be prepared. We must put on His armor daily in preparation of Satan’s attacks. Thank you for visiting and your comment. Continued blessings to you and yours.

  4. Thank you, Horace, for sharing your personal story of growing in love and trust of the Lord. I know all too well that “fear can put a stranglehold on your thoughts.” Only recently have I begun to appreciate the importance of practicing self-control in my thoughts. Slowly but surely I am learning to change my inner dialogue, and I so appreciate your encouragement. I pray for own continued spiritual growth and physical healing.

    1. Thank you Melissa for your comment and the visit. Im glad to read you were encouraged. Spiritual maturity is an ongoing process. I am thankful that my Savior has not given up on me, but rather He continues to mold me into the man that He desires. I have to remind myself each day to put on the armor of God to guard my thoughts against doubt and fear. Thank you again for the visit. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. God bless.

  5. I never fail to be inspired by your Horace ♥ I admit, I’m not quick to see myself as God sees me- maybe I need to post these reminders on my mirror!! Thanks for always pointing to God even in the midst of your difficult circumstances. May God bless and keep you friend.

    1. Heather, I am humbled and so thankful that God has chosen me to use my passion for writing to help and encourage others. I pray that He is glorified by everything I share. I’m glad you received some inspiration from this,. Just remember who you are in Christ everytime you look in the mirror. He will provide you with whatever is needed to accomplish His will and purpose. Great to hear from you. Have a marvelous weekend and God bless.

  6. Thank you, Horace, for sharing your story and encouraging my heart! Needed reminder that God doesn’t promise it will be easy but that He will see us through.
    Thank you, Kristi, for sharing Horace’s story here!

    1. Hello sweet friend. Always a blessing to hear from you Crystal. Thank you for the opportunity to share. It is so cool that God has us both write about remembering who we are in Him this week. It is something I have to remind myself of constantly. The more time I spend in His word, and in communication with Him, the easier it becomes. Thanks again for stopping by. May God continue to bless you and yours in all your endeavors.

  7. What a testimony you have, Horace. Loved hearing more of your story today. Fear is a stronghold of mine that God’s sweetly undoing, year by year. This phrase of yours jumped off the page at me, “He has given you access to the power.” Yes, praise God He has. What a generous God we serve. Thank you for sharing, Horace — and thank you for sharing Horace with us today, Kristi. ((xoxo))

    1. Hello Brenda. Thank you for your comment. Speaking of fear, I was hesitant to write this part of my story, but I wanted to obey my Savior. It seems to have resonated with those who have read. I am grateful that my Savior is always ready to give me the support I need to live for Him. Hope all is well with you and your family. Continued blessings, friend.

  8. I love reading more of your story, Horace. You are such a powerful encourager for the Kingdom and speak wonderful words of truth. It’s amazing to see how God has knit your life together in order to equip you in your giftings. Thanks for sharing with us – and Kristi for bringing us your story.

    1. Hey Tiffany. Great to hear from you old friend. Yes, it is amazing how God works all things together for good for His purpose. I may not understand everything taking place in my life, but I trust my Lord and Savior with all my heart. It is an honor that He has chosen to use my life for His glory. Thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Blessings to you and yours.

  9. Thank you for sharing your story, Horace! Indeed, fear is a powerful tool in the enemy’s arsenal. But God’s word, knowing it, using it trumps his lies every time, amen?! I pray that you will continue to trust in God for healing and for His perfect timing with regard to your writing. Blessings.

    1. Thank you June for the words of encouragement. You are right about the power of God’s word. I try to inundate myself with lots of scriptures each day. That is when I feel encouraged and empowered to serve my Savior. Thank you for your prayers and your comment. Have a terrific weekend and God bless.

  10. Horace, I didn’t know about your stroke until I read this post. I applaud you for persevering in faith. I pray God will heal and strengthen you so you can return to writing, as your words are a blessing to many.

    1. Thank you Sara for your words of encouragement and your prayers. I am thankful that God continues to heal my brain and my body. It is a painstaking process, but the joy and empowerment I feel is incredible during my time with Him. I know He has allowed me to survive to live for His glory. It is such a privilege when He blesses me with something to share. Thanks again for your visit. Have an amazing weekend and God bless.

  11. Horace, your story and your heart to see people embrace the love of Christ always inspires and encourages me. I love you talked about a spirit of fear and a spirit of doubt as tools of the enemy. You are so accurate in that – and I can SO relate to that! The fear of rejection or not being good enough and the doubt of who I am and what Jesus is calling me to do. They are spirits I must continually battle with the armor of God! I’m praying for you, friend. I know how much you love to write and I know how many people are blessed by the words of your heart – we need you back full time! I”m believing in and actually praising God in advance for the restoration He is doing in you right now! ♥
    This is such a great series, Kristi! Love it!
    Blessings and smiles,

    1. Lori, you are a beloved sister in Christ, and an encouraging friend. Your comments always lift my spirits and encourage my heart. I am thankful for this “down” time from writing. It is drawing me even closer to my Lord and Savior. Thank you for your prayers too. I am healing slowly, in fact, today I was able to attend Sunday school and church for the first time in 4 months I am so glad you enjoyed my contribution to Kristi’s #YourStory series.. Thank you Kristi for inviting me to share. Lori, have a fantastic week and may God continue to bless you and yours.