What If Jesus Whispered Come With Me? {Book Review – Come With Me}


“God, why do I get out of sorts when life’s not comfortable? Show me how to be content even when uncomfortable,” I whispered.

My thoughts traveled to our various moves and a few other situations. If ever a time rose for my erratic emotions to surface, an almost-out-of-control-Kristi, moving time was it.

Yeah, I don’t want to go there anymore. 

A stirring within prompted me to consider that being uncomfortable might simply be a doorway of opportunity. Yes – opportunity. Our discomfort might be a hidden opportunity for spiritual growth, precious molding by the Potter. If we’ll just trust Him….

Life's discomfort might simply be a doorway of opportunity to spiritual growth. Share on X

A couple of weeks after I offered that prayer, a book arrived. Sure, it was for review purposes. After all, that is why we’re gathered here today. But it became more.

Come With Me by Suzanne Eller targeted the very word I prayed about just two weeks prior: comfort. Alarms rang. My eyes peered in for a closer look at the words she typed.

This book wasn’t about the journey. It still isn’t. It’s about who we go with, whether or not we’ll journey with Jesus.

Suzie has a knack for writing about Jesus-relationship areas that are one step ahead of me. I relate to her. But I know it’s not “just” me. His words through her speak volumes to many of us.

Come With Me caused me to ponder whether the discomfort with discomfort was actually a refusal to go deeper with God. Perhaps the erratic emotions during moves or keeping those “hard to love people” at arm’s length exemplified lingering in the shallow, as Suzie mentioned, versus walking in the deep with Jesus. Could it be that He was holding out His hand, and whispering Come with me?

If Jesus whispers Come with me, how will you answer? Share on X

In those places in which we’re uncomfortable – those situations that seem more of a nusance than ministry – could He be preparing the way, calling to us these three, powerful words: Come with me?

The scriptures and questions ushered me to deeper thought and communion with the Lord. I suspect they’ll do the same for any reader or groups of readers – even in a study situation.

When I surfaced on the other side of this book, a new-found peace emerged. I found myself pondering and growing comfortable with this Jesus call – this “come with me” nudge. And maybe you’re like me – you sense the nudge. You want to slip your hand in His and whisper, “Jesus, I’ll follow You wherever You may lead.” And you mean it.

I hope so. Because Jesus is ready. And this book? It’s a helpful tool for any breathing soul to find courage to slip their hand in His and say, “I’m ready. Let’s go, Jesus,” and for lives on the other side of ministry to be touched as a result.

Come With Me by Suzanne Eller ~ check out this new worthwhile, ministry-changing read. Share on X

Come with Me is available at bookstores everywhere. And there’s more! Click the picture below for helpful, free resources on Suzanne’s blog. Enjoy!

*A free copy of Come With Me was provided to me in exchanged for an unbiased, honest review.
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  1. What a thoughtful review, Kristi. And yes, God is always whispering invitations to us, isn’t He … and like you, my desire for comfort and ease is probably blocking out some kind of invitation that He knows I need to say yes to …

    Thanks for your vulnerability, even in a book review. Admirable …

  2. Thanks for your transparency, Kristi. It’s easy to think we’re the only one who feel discomfort. The validation that we’re not the only one can give us just the Kickstart we need. Blessings from David’s Daughter.

  3. I love this. It opens the door of your heart inviting people in. This journey in live is not about the journey, it’s about who we go with. I love this.

  4. “Life’s discomfort might simply be a doorway of opportunity to spiritual growth.” Oh, Kristi, I pray I hold onto the truth of these words and lean into Him. Lean into growing deeper, walking closer. Thank you. : )

  5. I enjoy reading your thoughts about the book. For me too, it came in the mail at JUST the right time! Really just the right time. I have 3 chapters to go, and I may just start all over again!