Forsaken Not

“Never will I leave you’
never will I forsake you.”
Heb. 13:5 NIV **

“Forsaken!” goes the cry so often in our minds, consciously or not so consciously, as we sprint into the land of “alone” and proud might, the land that darkness and idol worship build upon. Our minds so easily turn from the truth and we find ourselves immersed in idols and gods contrary to the Almighty.
The Israelites fell prey to this thinking in the book of Ezekiel. In 9:9 we see iniquity and guilt, blood, injustice and perverseness ruling the land as jealousy, sinning behind closed doors, and worshiping other sun and foreign gods reign. Their allowance of sin went hand in hand with feeling forsaken and thinking the Lord didn’t see their actions.
… “The sin of the house of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great; the land is full of bloodshed and the city is full of injustice. They say, ‘The LORD has forsaken the land; the LORD does not see.’ Ez. 9:9

Stopping cold in my shoes while reading Ezekiel, the word “jealousy” jumped off the page in 8:5 as it married “forsaken.” The two, walking hand in hand allude that God has left the picture show. It’s a crisis of faith, this “little thing” called ‘jealousy,’ and although it masquerades as hidden, it is blatant in the eyes of our Lord. Ouch!

The truth in Heb. 13 doesn’t concur with jealousy, though. The truth says:

“Never will I leave you’
never will I forsake you.”
Heb. 13:5 NIV

Where there is faith, trust and a “knower” that has “not forsaken” stamped solidly upon its foundation, you will find a marriage between the Lord and His beloved. It’s a beautiful love story, better than anything Hollywood can produce, markedly void of jealousy. You will find a relationship immersed in trust, protection, hope, and perseverance. You will find love. (I Cor. 13)

Wow…that’s better than jealousy any day! Where there is love, there is no room for jealousy. Forsaken is incomprehensible because we are so tightly wrapped in adoration of our Lord. We stand solidly, knowing He will see us through this time of seeming unfairness. We stand firm in the shadow of His strength because we know His love is more important than our emotions or what is happening at the moment. We stand firm because He will never forsake us.


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