#YourStory: Kim Stewart

Kim Stewart
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If I Told You My Story

There’s a focus this month on autism. Are you aware? It touches many families in our society, some we may not even realize. My sweet friend and fellow Jesus lover, Kim Stewart, understands autism. And here’s her story….

Do you ever find yourself waiting on God to finally answer those prayers you’ve prayed over and over?

Griping and complaining while you wait.

That was my story.

Those were the early years after my son was diagnosed with autism. Not-so-patiently waiting for a cure. Griping that my friends didn’t understand. Complaining that my son wasn’t getting the “quick fix” other children with autism were.

Not that those feelings weren’t valid. 

Autism. Is. Hard. 

But I quickly learned that all that complaining was getting me nowhere fast.

So I stuffed those feelings and hid behind the mask of “I’m good” and “He’s doing good.”

Bible study on fear cover--light shining on the words Fear What?

Luckily, God didn’t allow that to last too long.

When I was hiding, God knew I needed encouragement. He provided just what I needed through our special needs ministry at church.

I met other moms walking similar paths as mine with their own children with special needs.

I met other women, older and wiser than me, to speak truth into my struggles.

They spoke joyful words. Thoughtful words. Positive words.

They prayed with me and for me. Healing prayers. Not only for my son, but for my heart as well.

They prayed thankful prayers.

No, we don’t have to be happy in our circumstances. It’s okay to grieve for what “we don’t have”. But let’s not forget to be thankful for what we do have.

...let's not forget to be thankful for what we do have. ~ Kim Stewart facing autism Share on X

They encouraged me to seek not hide while I waited.

Wait for Yahweh.

    Be strong, and let your heart take courage.

Yes, wait for Yahweh.

PS 27:14 WEB

This is my story.

I’m still waiting. Waiting for a cure for autism. Waiting for that “quick fix” for my son. And now waiting for the answer of what comes after high school?

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But in my waiting, God is teaching me to be strong and take heart:

  • to celebrate my son’s ongoing progress, whether big or small.
  • to nurture my younger son’s heart for serving children with special needs.
  • to appreciate my strong marriage, despite the odds when raising a child with special needs.
  • to be patient, with both my sons and with His timing.

In God we can be strong and take heart. Are you willing and ready? Share on X

Waiting is hard.

Autism is hard.

I don’t know what the future holds for my son, but I trust the One who holds it.

Psalm 27:14

Do you know someone with autism?

There are so many ways to reach out and help:

  • Does your church have a Special Needs Ministry? Some children with autism just need a little extra help in their classrooms. Our ministry has been a God-send to us in so many ways. We wouldn’t be able to attend church without them. They also provide a parent small group experience that allows us to study together while volunteers serve with both our children with special needs and siblings.
  • Some churches also offer a monthly respite night giving parents a much-needed break for a dinner out while their children (both with special needs and siblings) have a blast with volunteers.
  • Best Buddies is an international organization that pairs up children with disabilities with peers in their school to be buddies in and out of school. This organization has helped my son so much with his social skills: https://bestbuddies.org
  • Special Olympics is an international organization that provides sports opportunities for people with disabilities: http://www.specialolympics.org. My son has enjoyed swimming, bowling, track, and basketball with Special Olympics. They are always in need of volunteers!

About Kim ~


Kim Stewart lives in Texas and is wife to Paul, and mom to their two teenage sons. Her favorite things include reading, messy crafts, and milk chocolate with caramel.

She writes to inspire women to seek not hide at www.kimstewartinspired.com. While she dreams of writing her own book, you can find her tweeting words from her favorite authors at https://twitter.com/KimStewInspired.


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  1. So thankful to read your story this morning Kim. You are an encouragement to many! Thank you for sharing the very real challenges, and also offering hope to others. Thank you also for sharing about the different organizations! This is a great tool to share with other moms:) Blessings friend!

  2. Kim, thank you for sharing your story! It always gives me a boost to hear from someone else walking this journey. Too often we hide and isolate ourselves, but we need that support of other moms who have been there. Love all that your church is doing! What a wonderful ministry!

  3. Loved, loved, loved this: “It’s okay to grieve for what “we don’t have”. But let’s not forget to be thankful for what we do have.” Thank you for sharing your story, Kim! Another reminder that we never know the path that others are walking. Blessings to you and your family. ♡

  4. I have known Kim for 30+ years and even though we have lost touch here and there, in my heart I feel that we have not. She is beautiful, strong, courageous and giving. It is clear that she spreads hope and encouragement and I feel privileged to know her. Please know that I am always here! Continue doing what you do. Thank you for being an inspiration for these daily challenges and beyond. I love you!

  5. Seeing God’s goodness in the middle of the waiting … what a beautiful reminder that God’s goodness is always present. Kim, I love that God didn’t allow you to hide your hurts but brought women alongside who encouraged you so see His blessings.

  6. Thanks for sharing your story here, Kim. You are such a role model for us. I can’t imagine being in your place, and I know God has showed you lots of things I haven’t learned. I rejoice in how you and your family are all over comers! I like your ideas about coming around people who are struggling to care for their kids. I do admire you, friend.

  7. Your words are inspiring, Kim, and filled with the promise of Him, I hope they’re encouraging anyone waiting in Him not to give up but to keep leaning in! So blessed to know both you and Kristi!!! xxoo

  8. Kim I love how you shared your story. I haven’t had a chance to really talk to you, but I work with special needs children. In fact I was there today with them subbing. Our neighbor has an autistic son. I actually spend most of my time with them at jr. high but also high school.

    One of the teacher’s I work with started a special needs ministry at FBC Midlothian and so some of our kids’ parents go there. My church is just starting one in Cedar Hill

    HUGS to you sister. I know it is hard. I also know how special those kids are – not just special needs – but so sweet and special. We have a special grandson who is 2 who was born with a horrible disease called EB, but God has worked miracles and given him a gene I call a healing gene because the genetic folks have never seen it, and I prayed when he was born and spending time in the NICU that God had given him a gene that would heal him.

    1. Oh Debbie, I know we need to catch up again soon! What an amazing woman you are! We are so thankful for our amazing teachers and so cool that your churches have ministries too. I can’t imagine being without ours!

  9. “Seek not hide”, cannot think of better counsel for any given situation. This is well written, giving encouragement to all who read.

  10. “No, we don’t have to be happy in our circumstances. It’s okay to grieve for what “we don’t have”. But let’s not forget to be thankful for what we do have.”

    This is very true and so good. We do a disservice to God and hurt each other when we expect happiness about the hard thing; it’s much better to accept that it’s hard and give God praise for the grace he is giving us IN the hard thing. Thanks for sharing Kim’s story.

  11. So grateful Kim shared her amazing story here. What a dear blessing! And, thank you, Kristi, for providing this precious space for others to share their hearts. I have been intending to come by here way before now to thank you SO much for your dear, kind comments left at my blog the other day. OH, they did bless me so much! I am so thankful your husband had that amazing experience while hearing David Wilkerson. I, too, wonder what he would think if he were alive today. It was a sad day when God called him home…not for him, obviously, but for this world who feels his absence so keenly. We must pick up the mantle/torch and walk forward, in Jesus’ name. My soul is still bathed in anguish, as I continue to pray and intercede every day for the burdens God has placed there. Thank you for being such a great encouragement to me, Kristi. God bless you abundantly.

    1. Such sweet words, Cheryl. May God’s “exceedingly, abundantly” be very real in your every day.

  12. Kim, I loved reading your story this morning. I have several friends with children who have special needs. I have seen the rough time and the victories. One friend had a son who was completely healed from autism. I am praying and believing the same for your son! I love that God met you where you were and loved on you. He didn’t give you an answer yet… but He did give you encouragement and grace for the future. I also loved how you embraced community. Sometimes when we are going through hard things we want to isolate and hide, like you mentioned. Good for you for stepping out and including others in your journey. I’m sure it will be as much of a blessing to them as it is for you. Praying & believing with you and your family for a full recovery and that God would use your son in a mighty way that will impact the next generation!

    Thanks Kristi for sharing Kim with us today!!