How Your Generosity Can Cause the Good and Faithful Servant to Rise

Me and Dad

Never did I consider it. The writing lessons were supposed to be an aid for ministry, not for writing obituaries. Tears welled.

Oh God, I don’t want these skills for this. They’re not supposed to be for writing an obituary. Lord, help me….

I took a deep breath, an effort to calm a tightened and on-the-verge-of-heaving chest. Something in me wanted to bury the skills, close the book on their usage.

But on this day, the morning after his death, Dad’s obituary awaited.

Be generous.

I heard those quiet but distinct words in my spirit nearly two years earlier.

Finances came to mind. But something in me knew there was more.

Of course, I’ll be generous, Lord. But you mean more, don’t you?

Then there was silence – for two years.

Little did I know the silence would be broken when generosity cast its stroke while using writing skills to pen an obituary.

Generosity doesn’t always appear as we anticipate, does it? Sometimes we may want to sneer, hide our head, or run away at its call.

It may not be big, but rather little. It may not be desired, but certainly necessary. It may be hard, not so easy.

Oh, I’d love to be generous with my written words in books, magazines, even blogs. Maybe you have a situation in mind like me where generosity sounds fun, even enjoyable.

But in an obituary? Not so much…

Obedience, offering the talents God’s given, is faithfulness having its fill. It’s generosity in the raw, lived out in the real, as in Matthew 25:14-30.

But what if we withhold the generous act, burying its multiplicative power under the darkness of earth? Maybe we’re scared, angry, or resistant to fulfill the duty. Perhaps it seems too trivial to “go there”. What then?

“His master replied, ‘You wicked, lazy servant!… Matt. 25:26 NIV

I shudder to think. The response stings. The skills are for His glory. How beautiful to be generous with them.

We’ve each been given a skill or two, talents straight from our Creator. Perhaps those skills are not for us to withhold. What if offering our talent, walking in obedience, is profound generosity? With its use we may very well hear, Job well done, good and faithful servant.

Generosity doesn’t have to be some mega-million “churchie” event. It doesn’t have to have a grandiose, “Christianese” appearance. It doesn’t even need to occur under the arm of the church. It can simply be putting to use the skills God’s given.

Two, five, or ten like the Parable of the Talents? Generosity can be offered in our day-to-day.

“The man with the two talents also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘ you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.’

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Matt. 25:22-23 NIV

After all, who would think writing an obituary was a form of generosity? Well, I never thought…

But God did. Our everyday can prove to be God's generosity. Share on X

And I still shake my head.

Like the workers who were given the talents, our Lord has given talents to you and me. What he has placed in you, whether it’s small and simple or larger yet, is a canvas for generosity bringing rise to the good and faithful. Simply offer it. Someone awaits generosity’s touch, the stroke of its brush. Our God awaits the glory.

To You, oh Lord, be all the glory.

Note: Writing Dad’s obituary was a team venture. Mom and my brother were solid sounding-boards, giving input and paving a way out when the writing seemed “stuck”. Our teamwork flowed seamlessly throughout the whole of Dad’s last days on earth and early days in Heaven. Thank God.


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Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

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  1. I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. I love the picture of the two of you. What a beautiful gift you were able to give to your dad by writing his obituary. When my mom passed away, I wrote the eulogy and shared it in church. I was honored to give this one last gift to my mom as hard as it was.
    Thank you for the vulnerability you shared and the raw emotions of losing family.

    1. Thank you, Mary. Girl, I applaud you for being able to give your mom’s eulogy. Emotions were too raw for me on that one. xo

  2. I love that you are going through this, and I wish there was more I could do for you. I’m here if there is. But both of your Father’s are touched and pleased by your beautiful words. Don’t stop now, your words are touching us all. Love you more than chocolate.

  3. Kristi, I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. I dread the day when I will lose one of my own parents. I am grateful for the words you have shared today. Generosity – it can come in such varied ways. May I have eyes to see those He places in my path who may need my “generosity”. May I not withhold. Thank you for reminding me that each of our lives is a canvas through which God displays His glory. May our God bring you & your family His comfort & peace during this time. Blessings!

  4. Kristi, I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad. Rejoicing that you were able to give him a precious last gift. Thanks for your words on generosity and how often we share our gifts in ways less than glamorous. Like me sharing my gift of teaching to home school my daughter. Not glamorous. Not always fun, but worth it!

  5. Oh Kristi, you are such a sweet soul and my heart aches for you, friend. You are right. God asks things of us and we often don’t anticipate how he will use them. I know your words were a blessing and a gift to your family. You are in my prayers. {hugs}

  6. Kristi – I imagine your dad must have been so proud of your gift for words and your generous heart. I’m so sorry that you’ve endured this loss, but what a unique and wonderful joy to be able to use your talent to honor your dad. It’s got to be one of the beautiful reasons God writes those gifts over us – so that we can give them away. Holding you close in prayer, friend and sending you a hug.

  7. Kristi, How proud your dad was of you! He was a kind gentle soul and this was passed on to you and Kevin, as well as his grandchildren. Rest in His love knowing he is at peace and not in pain. Hugs!

    1. There is much rest knowing he’s in Heaven, Judy. you’re so right. Thank you for stopping in and for your encouraging words.

  8. Oh Kristi … I am so sorry for your deep loss. Having just been there with my dad and littlest grandchild, I am so there with you right now. I hear your heart, it beats with mine.

    May peace come in the writing, in the remembering, in the praying, friend …

  9. Kristi, my hurts for you and my prayers walk with you in the form of a Savior standing beside you each step of the way. I love that you were able to use your gifts for God’s glory, that He enabled you to honor your father with the gifts He placed in you. I pray you continue to see God’s grace holding you up and holding you close. Thank you, friend, for sharing your heart at #IntentionalTuesday. Sweet blessings, beautiful friend. : )

    1. Love your friendship, Crystal, and certainly appreciate your prayers. God’s grace has been steadfast. Oh, His grace….

  10. Hi Kristi, I am so sorry for your loss!
    Generosity can be in our smiles, encouraging words or simply in showing up!
    Thank you for the courage to write this beautiful post.
    God Bless and have a splendid weekend