How’s Your Heart? WORD17, Week 23
Welcome to WORD17, a scripture memory program.
Find this month’s posts concerning PS 37:7 here.
Have you ever experienced a heart issue?
Truth be told, people tangle with heart problems – some in the natural, all in the spiritual.
After reading Andy Stanley’s Enemies of the Heart years ago, I found myself focused on the heart. I often asked the kids about the condition of their heart. Of course they rolled their eyes, shot me an “I can’t believe you’re asking me this” look, then usually proceeded to offer a mumbled, leave-me-alone answer of some sort.
In life’s busyness, I eventually ceased asking the question.
The kids – and their hearts – went about their business, and I went about mine.
But that doesn’t mean heart issues disappeared. They kept residence, working their little fingers to the bone.
Work, work, work.
That’s what issues do. They’re employed by the one who comes to kill, steal, destroy. They work on our heart to kill dreams, steal belief, and destroy love.
And so I suppose it’s wise we ask ourselves, even if it’s not on a regular basis, “How’s my heart?”
How's your heart? A solid, spiritual question for each of us. Share on X
Let’s take that one step further. How’s my heart – concerning waiting?
Ahhh, waiting.
Does the word send shivers down your ever lovin’ spiritual spine?
I’ve felt those shivers. Many of us have. Goodness! The impatience, lack of trust, waivering faith – whatever you want to call it – simply doesn’t want to wait on God.
But why? If He is good, why the refusal or contempt of waiting?
Do we really believe He won’t act? Do we truly believe He doesn’t see good and evil and is about the business of lifting His righteous ways? Could it be our strong-willed selves attempt a break-out of the submission kind?
Isn’t that ironic? A breakout from under the protective wings of our Father – the very best place to be.
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that kills the prophets, and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, like a hen gathers her own brood under her wings, and you refused! Luke 13:34 WEB
Waiting keeps us under His wings. It brings us into a spiritually protected atmosphere. It assures we move when He does and not a moment too soon. It’s the place where His provision rests, provision of direction, physical needs, knowledge, understanding, and more. Faith builds in the wait, trust in the Lord, too. Why not trust Him and simply wait?
Rest in Yahweh, and wait patiently for him.
Don’t fret because of him who prospers in his way,
because of the man who makes wicked plots happen.
PS 37:7 WEB
As we rest this last week in PS 37:7, can we agree to one thing?
Let’s be determined to wait well as God acts on behalf of His beloved.
Let’s sit with praise on our lips, throw offers of thanksgiving into the air, and hold expectation close in faith.
Grow and wait well, my friend. Hold Psalm 37:7 close for eternity.
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Thank you so much for this post, Kristi. It’s so encouraging. I’ve been waiting for some things lately. This opened my eyes to a whole new perspective I never thought of: “Waiting keeps us under His wings. It brings us into a spiritually protected atmosphere. It assures we move when He does and not a moment too soon.” Beautiful.
Love you, my friend. Warms my heart to hear it was encouragement. Praise God.
Who among us hasn’t been in the waiting room? Maybe perpetually? But I continue to find treasures from Him as I wonder and ponder and look for the next step.
He’s got us in the palm of His hand the whole time …
Thanks for going there today, friend.
A perpetual waiting room….you may be on to something here, Linda. 😉
Thanks for these encouraging reminders, Kristi. Checking the condition of our hearts is a great question to keep before the Lord in a quiet time. It can be too easy not to take stock for those ordinary days when we are not in a crisis or on a mountain top. I also think the reminder about waiting is crucial. I am not sure any of us really excel at that! Great to visit you today!
Regular heart checks – good spiritual policy. Glad to see you here today, Pam.
I love this! We make a huge effort to talk to our kids about the state of their hearts as often as possible, but sometimes it feels awkward. I love the scriptures you use to support this and I’m going to start referencing those at home. We constantly tell our kids that it’s their hearts that make them beautiful – not their lovely faces.
Wise parents! Love it, Halee, that you talk with them about the heart. Glad the verses can be of help. Praise God.
Enjoyed this post, Kristi. Just today the words came out of my mouth, “It’s a heart issue.” 🙂 My husband is a pastor, he started it and I picked it up. But it’s true. Why else would God include so many Scriptures about the heart? And, oh, the waiting is difficult. I’m ready to focus this week on Psalm 37:7 like never before. Blessings!
Thanks for stopping in, Karen. May you and your heart be blessed. 😉
That made me stop and ponder. How’s my heart really?
Love it, Lux.