The Beauty in the Wait
I often wonder how life would have changed had she sat a spell. What if the seasoned wife of many years would have sat on her spiritual bench of sorts and waited a bit longer, enjoying the view during the pause of promise versus running ahead of God in an effort to fulfill it herself? Was her view during the wait that bad? Maybe it wasn’t as beautiful as the one above, somehow lacking worthiness of taking an extra breath or two. Or, perhaps she was simply blinded or walking with blurred spiritual vision, unable to see the beauty in the wait. Yes, perhaps.
Sometimes I feel like Abraham’s Sarah, somehow missing the loveliness in the wait. Instead of sitting on the bench, waiting and enjoying the view of beautiful faith, I want God’s promise “yesterday.” Whether it’s through the handmaiden of worry, anxiety, anger, selfishness, criticism, or other, I’ll oftentimes pop off that bench and bolt ahead just like Sarah, utilizing my own “small” strength and skillfulness.
Why does waiting seem so ugly, so painful? Why do we sometimes allow impatience to become this larger-than-life monster that seemingly takes the reins on life’s decisions. Why, at times, does it become so difficult to sit on the bench before God’s promises, enjoying the view He provides as we wait on the Almighty? Why can’t we simply sit in the joy of faith, being renewed and strengthened as we wait upon Him?
We can.
It’s simply a choice to await our promised Issac.
When we learn to wait, to fully wait, we see the fulfillment of the Lord’s promises spring to life in our own lives. There is no Ishmael detouring our waiting time. It’s Isaac all the way baby!
Wow! That sounds so blunt, so cut and dried, doesn’t it? After all, it’s effortless to scurry to worry in times of trouble versus standing in and proclaiming the promises of faith. It can be extremely easy to link arms with anxiety in the mix of change versus being encircled by the strength of thankfulness and contentment in a very-present God. It’s flesh’s livelihood to escort us off the bench of waiting upon the Lord, taking us far from the scenery faith provides, yet it’s to His glory when we wait upon His promise, fulfilled in only the way the Almighty can.
Consider this your invite to come sit alongside me on the bench. After all, I recently sat back down on the bench myself in a couple areas of life, and I’d love to share the beauty of His view with you. Let’s soak up the view while we wait.
There’s peace on the bench. There’s hope in the view. There’s faith pouring forth as we enjoy the beauty of waiting.
Let’s encourage one another to lift our heads, eyes locked upon our Maker. Let’s encourage one another to see His beauty during this wait, knowing that His promise, direction, and timing are perfect. Let’s fill the scene with praise and thankfulness. Let’s allow Him to paint it with gratitude and hope, compassion and love, joy and peace, and the strength that only comes with faithfulness in Jesus.
Take another glance at the beautiful picture above. It’s a lovely view, promptly provided by the Pacific Ocean as it laps the edges of the Hawai’ian island of O’ahu. It’s as gorgeous to me now as it was on the day it was snapped. It’s beauty mirrors that of what our waiting in the Lord can become.
Be encouraged my friend as you wait upon the Lord. Enjoy the view.
And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing]
to be gracious to you;
and therefore He lifts Himself up,
that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you.
For the Lord is a God of justice.
Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him,
who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!
Isaiah 30:18 AMP**
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