Why Are Folks So Excited About These Popular Posts?

Why Are Folks So Excited About These Popular Posts?

Do you like blogs–their popular posts?

Do you like a good, meat-worthy, faith-building post–one that helps keep eyes on Jesus?

Meeeee too.

Popular Post Question

Several writer friends/Jesus girls kindly responded to a “popular post” question I posed recently. Many of their posts exclaim His strength, His healing, His hope.

And hope is one thing I read about this week in my own Bible time. I’ve been immersed in the Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT), settling among the gospels during Christmas. One thing I noticed about Jesus’ and John’s births is that our God doesn’t discriminate. And that’s hope.

Our God doesn't discriminate--and that's hope.  Share on X

He chose an older woman to birth John, a young, unmarried version for Jesus. And none of the facts relating to either pregnancy and subsequent birth made sense. Yet, in the grand scheme, the seemingly senseless facts created a perfect picture.

Our God accepts the young and the old, male and female. He refuses condemnation thanks to Jesus Christ–the hope of the world. What a gift!

It is my prayer that we enjoy Jesus not only in this Christmas season but throughout the year.

And the below links–some from 2018, others from previous years–rush to help us.

Post Authors

They’re authors, some who shared their hearts in this Envy Round Table series last year plus a few other beautiful encouragers, keep ministry and Jesus central. And how beautiful stands a life–theirs, yours, and mine–when centered on Jesus Christ.

2018 Popular Posts You Don't Want to Miss on KristiWoods.net

If I may set a challenge… Share several of these posts with friends. Grab the ones that grab you then pin ’em on Pinterest. Email or message them. Somehow, share them with the body of Christ or a “searcher.”

Bring a Friend

Bring a friend to the doors so they, too, can enter and eat of the fruit the Lord offers within.

May 2019 be our strongest year yet walking in faith. And as always, may God Almighty gather 100% of the glory.

Father, we are Yours.

As we celebrate Christmas soon then wave goodbye to 2018, let’s recap these popular posts.

Popular Post Recap:

Coming January 8th….

Who AM I? on KristiWoods.net

Here’s a tool to hide God’s Word in your heart AND reinforce your identity in Christ.

Don’t forget to sign up at KristiWoods.net and share about Who AM I? — our 2019 memory verse program.

(And remember, by signing up, you’ll receive memory verses every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month as well as regular email updates, access to the Subscriber-Only libraray, and “3”, our monthly Family Newsletter.)

KristiWoods.net sign-up form

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Removing the Sting of Rejection

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