WORD17, Week 12 ~ An Invitation for You!
Welcome to WORD17! Here’s an invitation for you.
We’ve been studying John 15:7 here, here, and here this month. It’s our memory verse, and it’s all about “remaining.”
What if we set “remaining” against the landscape of real life? Let’s use envy as the sin that so easily entangles.
How do we remain in Him and His word when envy comes calling?
How do we put John 15:7 to use in a real-life scenario?
I’ve asked five friends to help me with this conversation.
It’s “A Round Table Discussion” concerning envy, and YOU’RE INVITED!
Look for it here at KristiWoods.net tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Gather your full week of ammunition for the battle against envy. Sign up here today to receive posts directly in your inbox.
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