5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know (Texting Ideas Included)



Ready for truth and text ideas? Here are 5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know.

It’s back-to-school time.

Last year at this time, we dropped Joel at college. In fact, the one-year memory photo popped on my Facebook feed over the weekend.

Talk about transitions!

Joel zoomed forward into adulthood, heading four hours away to college.

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Several thoughts spun in my head as we released Joel to fly:

  • Did we prepare him?
  • Would he make wise decisions?
  • Would he grab God or simply forego faith altogether?

Through the process, guess what I found?

Those seeds matter, mamas. Keep planting ’em–even when the dirt appears barren. Seeds germinate in the darkest of conditions.

Joel faced several hard decisions. The path proved rocky at times, but he made it.

I did too. 🙂

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This year, Beka heads back to high school while our youngest, Caleb, enters 9th grade. New phases and stages. Meanwhile, college sits on the horizon, staring us straight in the face.

Cue the worry. Or…not?

Worry has a way of rising when we release our little eaglets, doesn’t it?

We can squash the faithless emotion by making the most of every opportunity–planting seed after seed before our students fly the nest. God has them. After all, they are His creation.

I’m pulling out 5 points of faith and planting seeds there, setting trust in God. These stand good for students of any age.

So go ahead. If you’re in the spiritual seed planting stage, whether as a parent or a spiritual parent, offer these 5 powerful truths your student needs to know to your student. 

Hey Texting Parents…

Feel free to grab and run with the text ideas listed as well. Text encouragement right into their hands and hearts. Wield those powerful technology tools well. 😉

5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know

Truth #1: You Are Loved

There will be days rocking and rolling in the land of rough.

  • We get up on the wrong side of the bed.
  • Wave after wave of circumstances or bad situations crashes upon us.
  • Misunderstandings rise.

As adults, we face these situations. Our students do too.

Why not remind them of our love, and even more importantly, the love of Jesus Christ?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16 WEB Share on X


Text Idea: How’s your day? Jesus loves you. Me too. <3


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Truth #2: Ask for Wisdom & It Will Be Given

Who doesn’t need a nice dose of wisdom?

Students face challenges and opportunities with academics, interaction with teachers, and relationships with friends as well as other students. Then there are extra-curricular activities, social events, and overall decision-making.

Why not seek and carry wisdom along the way? Why not encourage our students to do the same? 

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach; and it will be given to him.
James 1:5 WEB


Text Idea: What are you facing today? Ask God for wisdom? He gives generously. I love you. <3

Truth #3: Guarding Your Heart Well Proves Profitable

Oh, how easy to remain offended. Or, how about angry outbursts, jealousy, or discouragement? As adults, we find guarding the heart to be a 24/7 event. Even though younger in age, our students face similar battles.

Champion them to deal with and dismantle dissension, discouragement, envy, rage, and offense right away. Encourage those students to guard their heart and guard it well.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Prov. 4:23 NLT


Text Idea: Praying you’re standing guard today against discouragement. Be strong. Guard your heart well, kiddo. <3 mom

Find other Christian Parenting encouragement here. 

Truth #4: It’s Good & Right to Tell the Truth–Even When Everything In You Insists a Little, White Lie Won’t Hurt

Lies hurt. Birthed by darkness, they aim to kill relationships, steal trust, and destroy hope. It’s tempting to lie. Very tempting. But don’t. Go for what’s good instead. Side with truth and God.

The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in those who tell the truth. Prov. 12:22 NLT


Text Idea: You’ll never be sorry for telling the truth. Ever. Plus, it makes life easier. <3 u, mom

Truth #5: It’ll be okay

All things hold together in God. All. The world may swirl, relationships or grades, too, but in Him, we find solid ground. Why not set our thoughts and day around God and encourage our students to do the same?

He is before all things, and in him all things are held together. Col. 1:17 WEB

Text Idea: Today may shake a bit, but God holds things together–even school and friendships. I love you, kiddo. <3 mom

Bonus Text

This one opens communication beautifully:


How can I pray for you today?

Grab these texting ideas to encourage your #student in faith this #back-to-school season. Share on X

5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know + Text Ideas Share on X

Linking with other Jesus writers here: #heartencouragementThursday & #faithonfire.

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Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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  1. Kristi, hi! For sure, some of my most faith stretching seasons have had to do with releasing my kids – to drive, to travel on missions trips, to move away to college. No longer was I able to hover and direct.

    I learned how more than able God is to love and care for them {and now their spouses and children!} than I ever could.

  2. Kristi, this is such an encouraging, practical post! Thanks so much for the encouragement, AND for the texting ideas. I also have found that simple question “How Can I Pray for YOU?” to be a great conversation opener. Pinning and tweeting this today! Too good not to share!

  3. Love these ideas! My kids don’t have phones, but I can certainly use some of these on sticky notes and post where they’ll see them!

    1. This is a great idea since the kids don’t have phone either! I always remember one time I left a sticky note inside my stepson’s lunch wishing him a good first basketball game. We were going through a rough patch and didn’t think much of it. But that night before he went to bed he turned around and thanked me for leaving that note. So I never underestimate the power of a sticky! ????

    2. LOVE the sticky notes idea. Several years ago Ann Voskamp offered printable lunch box slips with encouragement and scripture. Similar idea. Loved ’em.

  4. So good Kristi! We are dropping our son off for college this week for his freshman year. Nice to hear from another mom who has been intentional about communication. I love your ideas.