6 Christian Posts That Will Encourage You

Flower with rose and Hudson Taylor Quote: "God's work is not man working for God; it is God's own work, though often wrought through man's hands."

The pace of life is speeding up currently. 3 kids are on 3 different sports teams. And I seem to be going in 3 (or more) different ways. It’s all good.

Needless to say, the “mama taxi” is hustlin’ and bustlin’.

While I’m off adding miles to our ferocious beast of a van, conversing with a kid or two, and dabbling in pure joy of family along the way, feel free to soak in and peruse the following posts. All six are solid landing places for encouragement in your walk with Jesus.


6 Christian Posts That Will Encourage:

~ I’m over at Life Letter Cafe. If you struggle with identity or worth, if you mock the gal in the mirror, then please accept this invitation to come over and visit. (Edit 5/26/22: Life Letter Cafe is no longer a live site. My apologies.)

~ Betsy at Faith Spilling Over: The Most Powerful Thing to Do for Your Kids

~ Lisa at True and Faithful: 9 Ways for Busy Women to Get in the Word

~ Kristine at More Than Yourself: Does God Need My Good Intentions?

~ Abby at Fearfully Made Mom: When Your Plea fo Compassion is Met with Silence

~ Tiffany at Simply for One: Rewriting the Rules for the Good Christian Girl

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Linking with Purposeful Faith, Intentionally Pursuing, Testimony Tuesday, & 3-D Lessons for Life.

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    1. Yes, it was the right thing to focus on family right now. There’s so much more sanity in my brain. 😉 Thanks for stopping by, Crystal, and for your prayers.

  1. May the Lord give you grace and good family times while you put miles on that taxi, friend. My life is going at warp speed too with family and church events, milestones and challenges. What an honor to be included here today. Thank you.

    1. Yes to that grace, Betsy. 🙂 I’ll be praying for your “warp speed” as well. And finally, you are welcome. It’s a joy to include your solid, faithful words.