Faith Resources

Kristi Woods offers faith resources such as books, blogs, Bible studies, podcasts, and free resources to help grow your faith.

What If Jesus Whispered Come With Me?  {Book Review – Come With Me}

What If Jesus Whispered Come With Me? {Book Review – Come With Me}

“God, why do I get out of sorts when life’s not comfortable? Show me how to be content even when uncomfortable,” I whispered. My thoughts traveled to our various moves and a few other situations. If ever a time rose for my erratic emotions to surface, an almost-out-of-control-Kristi, moving time was it. Yeah, I don’t…

#ScriptureBank2016, Week 16

#ScriptureBank2016, Week 16

What does “honor” mean? Have you ever considered?  Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance determines it means “to prize”. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary tosses words around like reverence and respect, but it also sprinkles duties and their performance to the meaning. Regardless, it’s a powerful verse, and it’s packed with a promise. (See verse 3.) So as we venture…

#ScriptureBank2016, Week 13

#ScriptureBank2016, Week 13

This week’s #ScriptureBank2016 includes a confession. It’s a goodie, straight from Psalm 49. Confess it. Believe it. Live it. Did you see…. Dreams are woven throughout the Bible. Don’t you love our Creator’s handiwork?ย Chicken Soup for the Soul recently highlighted one of my own dreams on their Motivational Monday podcast. (Boy, I’m tickled how the Lord works!)ย Feel free toย enjoy…

You’re Already Amazing LifeGrowth Guide by Holley Gerth {Book Review}

You’re Already Amazing LifeGrowth Guide by Holley Gerth {Book Review}

Are you searching for a study? Maybe you or a group of “yous” are looking to grasp your God-given identity. If so, here’s a consideration. You’re Already Amazing, LifeGrowth Guide by Holley Gerth lovingly infiltrates the corner of a participant’s mind with questions, considerations, and exercises in each of its 6 sessions. The study focuses on “embracing who…