I Don’t Feel Like I Belong

Child of God2
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Ever feel as though you don’t fit?

A new location or phase in life have your wondering where you belong?

As a frequent mover who’s often geographically far from extended family, I have entertained these very questions.

I don’t know anyone. I don’t know the routines, the traditions. Lord, I don’t fit anywhere.

As one who gave up her career to stay home with children, I certainly did.

My career is gone. I feel as though part of me is lost. Now what?!

At church I have as well.

This is unfamiliar. Those people are all friends or family, I feel left out. I’m not on a committee. Lord, I don’t know anyone! Does anyone care?

How about the sweet gal that often feels she doesn’t fit anywhere in life?

I’m not like you. I’m not good enough. I’ve been abused. I don’t fit. I’ve used drugs. Trust me, you don’t want me around.

Some simple.

Some deep.

All deceptive thoughts nibbling away at our identity and our joy: that’s what they are. An attempt to unearth the freedom that was paid for years ago, a grapple for our glorious future with the King of kings, they’ll take both if they can. Underneath it all?


Those thoughts that say you don’t belong, you’ll never fit, or you’re not good enough – are fear’s captivity. They are bondage. Let’s call them as they are.

We don’t have to remain in fear’s trap.

Freedom is here. Freedom has been given. We do belong. It’s all in the Lord Almighty.

The truth? If Jesus is your Savior, you are a child of God. Nothing less. All of His more. Share on X

Think about the power in His name…and we’re children of the One with that name.

The One who formed our earth, formed our being – we are His child.

The One who can deliver from the clutches of the enemy – we are His.

The One who has overcome death – we are His.

The faithful, loving, and giving One – He calls us child.

“But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become God’s children, to those who believe in his name:”

(John 1:12 WEB)

A beautiful song at church this weekend brought memories of the many years and situations when I bought fear’s lies. As I sang the words, they became more than words, more than a melody. They were a proclamation I believed. They were reality.

I do belong because…

I am His.

He named me in truth.

I am a child of God.

I am loved. Dearly.

I am delivered. Free.

I am family.

As His, beautiful one, you are too.

Enjoy the song here, child of God. Grasp the reality. And draw close to God if you’re not sure.

And as a parting note, have you considered a Bible study? Although I’ve not read her book and I’m not certain of its content…yet… I strongly suspect this study will be a life-changer. Suzie Eller’s The Mended Heart is our study book, starting this week, at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies. Would love to have you join me and the other ladies as we offer our hearts for God’s mending.
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  1. Oh Kristi, I have been in that place. It got awfully dark at times and I still go there sometimes when I’m feeling down. I am so thankful that with Jesus, we are all ONE in his name. Such a powerful truth. Beautiful post, my friend. Thank you for speaking life today.

    1. It is something to be vigilant of, I agree. Abby, I’m always here for prayer if a dark time hits. Just let me know.

  2. Praise Jesus we don’t have to remain trapped in fear! Such beautiful and powerful truth in this post! So blessed to visit from the #raralink

  3. Oh Kristi, I can so relate to your feelings of not belonging and the joy that comes with remembering to Whom I belong. And I absolutely LOVE this song. Thanks for sharing …

    1. Gosh, I could listen to the song for hours, Lois. So powerful! The video of the band recording it on a mtn top is very moving.

  4. Surrounded by a room full of people that all seemed to know one another feeling all alone, like I didn’t belong … I’ve been there too. Thankful we always have a place with God and that He calls us His own. Beautiful song that proclaims His Word. Thank you, Kristi, for sharing your heart at #IntentionalTuesday on Intentionally Pursuing. : )

  5. Lovely post.

    I too, often feel like I don’t belong. We don’t have any children, which makes us the “odd family out” among all of our friends. It’s not a choice we would have made, which makes it all the more heartbreaking. Thank you for the reminder, once again, that my identity is firmly rooted in Christ!

    1. Ally, your identity is definitely rooted well in Christ. Keep it close to your heart, my friend. (((hugs)))

  6. Well, Kristi, I feel at home here for I am in the midst of a great big move from NY to Massachusetts. The thought of meeting new people, finding a new faith community, and all that goes with it makes this introvert just a tad unsettled.

    Thanks for speaking to my hidden fears …

    Blessings to you!

  7. I can relate for sure to those feelings of not belonging. As I bet a bit, ahem, more mature, I find myself feeling like I don’t quite fit in my old place, but I don’t know what my new place is yet! These are some encouraging thoughts, and I LOVE that John 1:12 scripture.

    Have you re-designed your blog? Looks different. Really nice. Did you do it yourself or hire someone?

    1. I sure get this Betsy. Where do we belong? My mind says I’m still, ah maybe 30 but my body says no sometimes. Do you ever worry that you have missed blessings and oppportunities? Ok, I need to move on. You did not sign up to be my counselor 🙂

    2. I never thought of the age factor. Golly, there are so many ways we can become isolated.
      Blog ~ yes, redid it a couple of months ago. The designers are noted at the bottle, along with their links. Loved ’em. Stole the idea from Carmen Horne. 😉

  8. “An attempt to unearth the freedom that was paid for years ago, a grapple for our glorious future with the King of kings, they’ll take both if they can.” … Words that are touching me this evening. I have spent so many of my many years feeling that “I don’t belong” and all for naught for I am a child of God. Praise Him and I want to stay close so that I do not forget. (But…that same short thought of not belonging creeps in and gets a grip…I do not want it!) Thank you for blessing me and reminding me.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. Hi Linda, I’m sorry to hear that the enemy worked so diligently in this area throughout your life. More so, I’m thankful God has you and that the name of Child of God is stronger than any lie. Be blessed.

  9. It’s easy for an introvert to feel odd in a place. Especially when people who don’t understand insists something’s wrong with you when you feel perfectly normal. I hold on to the idea that I am a child of God and so no matter what, I know Whose I belong. 🙂

  10. great post. I think it is also important to note that with the number of Christian churches and people who affiliate themselves with Christianity shrinking nationally, it is even more important to reach out and befriend one another. I have found that among Christian women there are many friendly people, but very few actual friends.

    1. It’s good to “see” you again, my blogging friend. Those “reach outs” are so important, you’re right. Even when the person-to-person ones don’t go as hoped, I’m thankful Jesus is always there. His faithfulness never ends.

  11. Hi Kristi! Lovely post and oh so important reminders to leave the accuser’s lies behind. Those thoughts, the fearful ones, lodge themselves inside and it takes truth unleash them. Thanks for the reminders! Joining you from Blessing Counter LInk Up.