Ever Found Forgiveness Impossible to Offer? Run Here

Have you ever found forgiveness impossible to offer?

I thought I did a few years back. And boy, what a wrestling match!

When unforgiveness cloaks us, it’ll turn a bright, sunny face into a gray hue of anger and sorrow. Bitterness and resentment wash us with their ugly darkness. The bad scene grows darker by the day as long as we’re held hostage by our own refusal of offering.

No one  jumps for joy amid a struggle with forgiveness – especially the one choosing to withhold it. It’s bad news.

Does a situation come to your mind when forgiveness seemed (or seems) impossible to offer?

There’s one thing I learned amid my struggle and eventual victory.

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Forgiveness is Possible

Regardless how difficult our situation, forgiveness proves possible – always – with Jesus Christ.

Regardless how difficult our situation, forgiveness proves possible - always - with Jesus Christ. #forgiveness Share on X

What I thought impossible due to the deceitful threats of darkness, became a glorious, powerful victory with God. (Keep reading – there’s more about it at the end.)

Life changed – and all for the better.

What seems impossible due to the deceitful threats of darkness, become a glorious, powerful victory with God. #Christian #faith #forgive Share on X

I found a time of worship with God that remains near and dear.

I found a Father more than willing to set the strength of His hands in mine – once I offered open, empty palms.

And I found freedom with forgiveness.

Find freedom. Offer forgiveness. #freedom #forgiveness Share on X

Run Here

When we’re struggling in the heat of the battle, refusing to offer forgiveness, RUN to the Father.

  • Sit in worship and in prayer.
  • Determine to forgive.
  • And let “thy will” be done.

Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

Luke 22:42 KJV

“My will” ushers us to gloomy pastures, causes us to burn with anger, hurt, and resentment. “My will” by refusing to offer forgiveness – and gosh, it’s a crazy, hard battle – lands us in the land of darkness and deceit. As I tell my kids, it’s no bueno.

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So do the hard thing. Determine to forgive. Be free.

Take on the yoke of Jesus Christ. You’ll be glad you did.

 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matt. 11:30 WEB

When I battled to forgive, I prayed and worshiped for nearly four hours. The resentment morphed me into a hardened woman. Something had to be done – my hubby assured.

I determined to worship until “something” changed.

Running to the Lord proved the best decision possible. Something did change – me.

Offering ourselves – our hearts and our hands – to the One Above, makes forgiveness possible, even when deception assures otherwise.

Offering ourselves - our hearts and our hands - to the One Above, makes forgiveness possible, even when deception assures otherwise. #forgive #Jesus Share on X

The battle is fierce, but why not try? Take your troubles and run to our faithful Father. Victory resides in Him.

Read these posts on forgiveness:

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  1. Forgiveness can be hard because just when you think you’ve nailed your hurt or anger, it creeps back up on you! So again I go back to God and ask Him to help me do what I cannot. Thank you, Kristi.

    1. Forgiveness is a bit of creeper, isn’t it, Lisa? Going back to God and back again proves right every time. And don’t you love that His arms stay open wide?

    1. Meal made me think you were chewing on it, Nicki. 🙂 Glad God remains on the throne and sent encouragement your way when needed. He’s faithful.

  2. I love the connection you’re making here between forgiveness and worship! It’s true: unforgiveness never takes us anywhere good, but we find freedom when we forgive!

    1. Yes, indeed. Freedom awaits, Betsy, with forgiveness. I have a feeling its power is the reason there’s such a battle with offering forgiveness at times.

  3. oh, Kristi … sometimes forgiveness is a long and winding road. but forge ahead we must. we have no other choice.

    even if reconciliation isn’t possible … or wise.

    1. Long and winding road – great visual, Linda. It’s true. Offering forgiveness equates to a massive plop of wisdom on life’s plate.