Search Results for: Word 17

WORD17, Week 19

WORD17, Week 19

Welcome to WORD17, a scripture memory program! You’re welcome to join us any time. This is week #3 of the month. It’s our “graphic week” for WORD17–for John 21:6a. To catch you up, here’s the WORD17 schedule: Week 1: Verse intro Week 2: Dig into the verse with tools and conversation Week 3: Verse graphic Week…

WORD17, Week 18

WORD17, Week 18

Welcome to WORD17! Last week we grabbed our new verse for the month here. This week we’re diving into the verse further. It’s what they knew. Life on the sea became the norm. The boat, nets, ripples of water – they proved familiar. The slimy scales of fish did, too. How else would they have made…

WORD17, Week 17

WORD17, Week 17

Welcome to WORD17, a Bible verse memory program! You’re welcome to join the program monthly memory verse program at any time. Find previous posts on this Pinterest page.  Did you catch our conversation on envy? It was a goodie. If you missed it, check out the Envy Roundtable, Part 1 here. 

WORD17, Week 16

WORD17, Week 16

Welcome to WORD17! Our memory verse this month is Matthew 7:7. There are three verbs. We talked about that a couple of Mondays ago here. All are separate, or are they? Digging into, we find a daisy-chain connection between all three verbs and our faith. Here’s what the Matthew Henry Commentary on offers:“Ask; represent your wants and…

WORD17, Week 14

WORD17, Week 14

“Ask and it will be given you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened for you. Matt. 7:7 WEB In this month’s verse, there are three verbs. Did you notice? All are composed and overflowing with action when we put spiritual muscle behind them and cause them to make their move….

WORD17, Week 13

WORD17, Week 13

Welcome to Monday and to our new verse for the month! It’s WORD17, a verse memory program. WORD17’s goal is to encourage us to nestle in to Jesus, to listen closely for all He has to share, to take His word and house it deep in our heart. Matthew 7:7 is a cardio-style gold mine, but…