Shelter in the Storm

It was a crazy weekend here in the Sunshine state. Tropical Storm Debby debuted on Sunday morning in the form of wind and rain, rain, and more rain. Tornadoes touched down in a few places and some homes and businesses have been damaged in the midst of the storm, but the sunshine is beginning to…


The Lord said to Moses,  Has the Lord’s hand (His ability and power)  become short (thwarted and inadequate)?  You shall see now whether My word shall come to pass for you or not. Numbers 11:23 AMP** Have you ever known a passage from the Word in your head, but somehow, someway, its rock-solid, firm understanding…



    Back in the 1990’s my husband, Tony, came to me with the dreaded words, “What do you think about me going back into the Navy?” “No way!” I spouted without a moment’s hesitation. Raising children alone with him gone on long deployments, being in a community where divorce rates were and still are high,…

Refusing to Listen

Refusing to Listen

Have you ever felt that an advancement or opportunity in your life was delayed for far too long, or maybe the door appeared closed altogether? It can be discouraging, can’t it?   Your situation might have concerned a bad habit that you weren’t able to kick, a lack in advancement at your job, an achievement…



Initially it wasn’t in the manuscript. That was the case until the Lord laid out the theme in great detail, at nearly the last minute, in the midst of a dream one night. Its inclusion has been powerful, as many have relayed to me the Lord’s ministry in their lives through chapter six in The…

Learning to Love….Me?!

Learning to Love….Me?!

  UPDATE: Linking with Purposeful Faith today, January 13, 2015.   It’s Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air, right? Sometimes.   Sometimes it’s not always floating around so beautifully, and sometimes the “love-hate” relationship can be directed, with precision, at ourselves. We simply don’t know how to love ourselves (as one Jesus died for…

Diving Deeper

Diving Deeper

  “Yeah, he’s certified!” was the latest excitement at our house. Our oldest blessing had finished all the courses and water time. He was now SCUBA certified, all the more reason to enjoy Hawai’i. It was a good day.   He shared stories of all the amazing under-water creatures he encountered, the vast, turquoise-blue scene…

It’s Review Time

Hi All, Fellow home schooling parent, Mark Koopmans, has written a review of The Other Side of the Fence. It’s a first, praise the Lord! Take a peek here and enjoy the read. While you’re at it, peruse some of his other posts for smiles, grins, and a few giggles here and there. (He’s a…