Arise 2012

Arise 2012

    It’s coming ladies, and you’re invited!   Whether you’re far or near, why not come to the warm temperatures, sand, and swaying palm trees of Hawai’i for a long weekend to worship, be encouraged, and draw closer to a very real God? Even better news is that Arise now has a 10 person…

The Heart of a Magi

The Heart of a Magi

Merry Christmas fellow branches!   Below is one of my favorite Christmas posts from a previous year. The Magi/Savior relationship is so loving that it seemed noteworthy to post again (with a few additions). Enjoy!   Matthew 2 opens the door to turmoil. What’s new? Isn’t there turmoil surrounding the name of Jesus yet today?…

Testimony Time

There’s a testimony that burns brightly. Some of you have heard the words, while others  of you have yet to cross paths with it. Either way, it’s strong, it’s awesome, it’s sooooo the Lord. Now is the time to put that testimony down in writing, ready and available for all to read.   From the…

Enticed, Drawn Away

Enticed, Drawn Away

  14But every person is tempted when he is drawn away,  enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions).     15Then the evil desire, when it has conceived,  gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death. James 1:14-15** I found myself situated at our table mere feet…

Perfect Love

Perfect Love

Our family hit the outdoors recently for an afternoon of zip lining. (That’s our sweet daughter in the photo above.) I’m not especially fond of heights, so fear tried to take a little foothold. The idea of stepping off the ledge, far above the tree tops, seemed a bit intimidating to say the least. I…