Is God Prompting You to Step Out in Faith Right Now?


Faith …

Have you ever sensed God prompting you to action, and deep in the heart you really, really, REALLY long to be obedient, but a blockade stands in the way?

It’s frustrating and a ball of emotions, isn’t it?

Truth be told, most of us face the obstacle of fear – that’s what it’s called –  in our faith walk. And it’s just that: an obstacle.

But who sets obstacles in our path?

~ Temptation – that which is of our own will & desire

~ Darkenss – the very one who comes to kill, steal, and destroy

I wish it were as easy as hearing God, hopping up on my feet, and following. But this internal war – yowza – it creates a situation of havoc at times. Then again, it might be room for God to move. Perhaps the solution remains simplier than we consider.

Four years ago I began a writing journey. I sat at my computer, scared silly. And I kid you not, I asked God FOUR TIMES, “Are you sure?”

Call me a bit of an instant gratification gal. Mounting rejections didn’t help. My flesh squealed a bit. (Okay, a lot.) I sat ready to quit.

But the Lord reaffirmed the call, reassured with answers. One of those answers included three simple words: Stay the course.

Have you ever been called to stay the course?

Maybe those exact words ring clear or remain situationally close? It’s somewhat like “run the race well” and “work out your faith with fear and trembling.”

Four years later, I sit at my computer, like I am right now, praising God. He opened doors in ways I never expected or could see all those times I sat and wondered Lord, did you really say to write?

A door swung open at Proverbs 31 Ministries. I wrote a devotional. The comments How the Lord touched hearts – Tears streamed that day.

He opened doors at Chicken Soup for the Soul and the Owasso Reporter. He flung open opportunity at The Upper Room, and now I contribute monthly at, and I sit here humbled and in awe of what the Lord has done, how He’s reaching folks across the globe like I never imagined.

Do you sit in awe at what the Lord has done in your life? Make a list as an offering.  Share on X

But there’s more. This time I sit in delayed obedience – which is a “make-me-feel-a-little-bit-better” makeshift for plain ‘ol disobedience.

Last year, I sensed a prompting to begin promoting myself as a speaker. Call me a “speaker who writes” vs. a “writer who speaks.” I feel as comfortable in front of a crowd as I do one-on-one. The only problem? Bowing to the fear of promotion has morphed this girl into a speaker who’s not speaking about Jesus.


Promotion of self seems about as comfortable as a wool sweater from the 1970’s, when donning one of those scratchy things without an undershirt proved pure torture.

But His plans don’t center around us. They pivot on Jesus. It’s not self-promotion; it’s lifting Jesus high.

Folks need to hear about hope. We’re called to promote. You know, the very name at which every knee will bow: Jesus.

So here I go, and I hope you’ll journey, too. Let’s listen to the Holy Spirit – promoting God Almighty. Let’s toss fear aside and venture where He calls – in utter and complete dependence, with arms lifted high in obedience, and hearts open in worship.

Here’s my first step this year:

Hello speaker card.

Area women’s ministries and groups will receive this simple postcard soon.

I wanted you, those of you subscribed here at, to be first on the “know” list. If you have speaking needs, consider praying over “who” He’s called to fill that need. Maybe it’s this girl, the one who desires to promote Jesus alone. If so, simply email me at [email protected] and take a peek at this speaker page.

Feel free to pass this along to folks you know, to pray or however He leads. Thank you for helping me step into obedience. I appreciate you!

OK readers, how about you?

Where do you feel the Lord prompting a move into obedience? Any feet willing to take one nervous step forward? How about “staying the course”? Let us know in the comments below. Because really, it’s often as simple as action – one step and then another in faith.

We’ll be cheering for you, and rest assured each comment will be prayed over.

Love you guys. #goJesus

Linking with other Jesus writers and lovers here: #raralinkup, #chasingcommunity, #fuelyourfaith

Do you struggle with rejection?

Removing the Sting of Rejection

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  1. Love this encouragement. So inspired by your stepping out in faith, it’s so great to hear how others are doing this-it inspires me to really listen and helps give me courage to follow God’s call. I definitely struggled with the call to write-I kept trying to take it somewhere else because I was fearful that God wouldn’t provide. Now, two years later, I’m seeing how it just might be a stepping stone to powerful provision. It’s so great when we step out in faith and then see God’s abundant provision! Can’t wait to hear how He provides for you!

  2. Wow, it’s wonderful to read all God has done in you and through you, friend. I love that speaker card! Interestingly, I’d been feeling discouraged about writing, but in response to this week’s COMPEL prompt in my critique group, I typed out a few things I accomplished. AND I realized God had done so much more than I thought. Good job on that speaker card! I hope to follow suit!

    1. Discouraged about writing, eh? Betsy, I’m glad you typed out those accomplishments. That’s a powerful move. It often centers our eyes on Jesus, reminding us of all He has done. Sounds as though it did just that for you.

  3. I love the doors God continues to open for you, Kristi. It’s a grace, a sign of His goodness, the effectiveness of the gifts He’s given you, the need for others to experience what He offers through you.

    Bless you …

  4. Beautiful reminder to stay the course, being faithful to the path God has called us on, continuing to step out where He leads. Love how you are doing just that, sweet friend. Can’t wait to see where your obedience leads!

  5. Wonderful step of faith, Kristi, and I know God will honor it. You will do great and be such a blessing to others. I haven’t had any particular prompting lately unless it’s to stay the course. As you can imagine, a big part of me would be happy to just concentrate on being grandma to all of our precious little guys right now — and that’s definitely a big part of my calling right now — but I’ve also felt God leading me to be faithful to the other major call on my life, which is of course writing. He has opened doors for me in the past few years and I need to be faithful to continue on until he directs me differently. So thankful for his faithful leading!

    1. Those little guys of yours are THE cutest. Father, thank you for Cheryl’s grandbabies. May her wisdom and love grow where they are concerned. Thank You also for this gift of writing you’ve placed Cheryl on. Like Samuel, may she hear You clearly and walk in Your ways. May her faith be large, Lord. Praise You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  6. I can relate to everything you said! I am amazed at the call I feel from God and I am constantly asking ” are you sure”. Thank you for your open and honest writing! It is comforting to hear your experience and it motivates me to continue my walk in faith. Congrats on moving in faith!

    1. Father, thank You for Anne and her walk of faith. May she continue to hear Your voice and follow in Your ways. And Lord, may she know that she knows that she knows Your direction and walk in it with holy courage. In Jesus’ name, amen.
      Go get ’em, Anne! <3

  7. Thank you for sharing. I, too, have stepped out—except rejection is the only thing I’ve received on the writing end. That’s okay. I was being obedient. One of my favorite things has become stepping out in faith, though now—its super uncomfortable and tight and like a scratchy sweater, I know God will come through because I obeyed. Thank you for this reminder to keep walking the path.

    1. Love your heart of obedience, Taylor.
      Father, thank You for Taylor. May her faith be deepened even more as she continues to step in faith. May Your perfect love continue to cast out the fear in Taylor’s life. Thank You for being a faithful God and for loving us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  8. I needed this encouragement to stay the course. I started my blog almost a year ago, and while I work at it, it seems to be not going far. The truth is, I said yes to writing because I wanted to encourage other women. And if that is my goal, then even one woman encouraged is success.

    It is amazing to see what God is doing in you and through you! Very exciting!

    1. One soul encouraged IS a success. Amen, Sabrina!
      Father, thank You for Sabrina. Your work in her is wonderful. I praise You for Your words through Sabrina. May they continue to fall where You will. Bring those who need to hear them, Lord, and bring Sabrina to a new place, a deeper spot, of faith. Praise You, Jesus. Amen.

  9. You go girl! Love how God keeps nudging us along to deeper and deeper waters as He asks us to obey. Keep going, Kristi and I can’t wait to see how He moves in your life!

  10. I read this yesterday and loved it so much, Kristi. So happy for you, friend. Can’t wait to continue to see what God does through your obedience. xoxo

  11. I know this feeling all too well! Three years ago God told me it was time to start blogging again. I pushed it off. Then several others told me as well. It took me a year to finally start. Now this year I hear Him telling me to push out of my comfort zone and it’s not easy! I want to grow and learn and do… but man that couch with a book is real nice!

  12. Thank you for sharing the feeling of being called and obedient to writing. I am about to walk through the threshold, feeling God’s push to cast away all fear and go! Huge step of faith and intense focus now. After 10 years of struggling the time is now to finish the works and gather the fruit. Website, blogs, book, ebook, and new book to complete. I get lost in all the ways to write, and pray God leads me to His way. I need to provide financially as well for my family. Please pray for I run to the finish faith and action.
    God bless you and thank you for your powerful story of obedience to the call.
    Love, faith, hope, peace..

    1. Father, thank you for Jennie. Thank you for these beautiful gifts you’ve set within her. I pray over her writing – that she’ll step w/bold faith, knowing you’re leading well. Oh, that your perfect love will cast out all fear on this journey of Jennie’s. Prepare those who hear these words she puts in to play, may they hear your voice in them. May your Holy Spirit do a phenomenal work that is only available through you. In Jesus name, amen.

  13. I was in a really bad car accident about a month ago , my car was totaled and because I was taken to the emergency room I could never give a statement . The other driver lie , and after seeing a lawyer yesterday I realized I may never see all the money I lost , or get any help to get bet better . Today I was reading in my Youverse app this verse , it called my attention because I never heard of it . I decided to save the picture going with this verse , and that’s how I end up reading your article . I don’t even know you but I want to thank you because I asked God for an answer this morning , and he chose you to ask me to step out in faith . Through all the adversity I’m going through I know He wants me not to give up and to win this race . I can’t thank you enough for your words . God bless you

    1. Oh Liana, I’m so sorry to hear about your accident And the lying – that’s frustrating. I love hearing, however, that our Daddy is about his business in your life, taking care of you like no other can. And I praise him for speaking so clearly to you through these words.
      Father, thank you for Liane, for protecting her when the enemy desires to kill, steal, and destroy her. I ask you for wisdom for dealing with her car, health, and finances concerning this accident. Praise you, Jesus. In your name we pray, amen.