Grab Your Daily Gratitude List

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Have you ever created a daily gratitude list? Recounting our thanks is vital in a Christian life of faith, yet a struggle often exists in this area. Hand raised.

I work hard at remembering to thank hubby for the long hours he puts in at his job and even for the little things he does for us. I try to remember to thank God for answered prayer. But there’s room to grow. I’d like my heart to overflow with gratitude. Maybe you would too?

A life lived with gratitude in the heart is a life for the Christian. For those who desire to sharpen this quality, I’ve created a free downloadable gratitude Bible reading plan and journal. Read on for more info about this helpful tool that’s a great fit for these times.

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Gratitude List for Today

Take some time and list what you’re grateful for today. Go ahead. Grab a paper and a pen. Jot a list of three to five things. I’ll wait. (In fact, I’ll work on my list during this time, too.)

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A little later…

How’d you do? Was it easy? Hard? Did your list lengthen or maybe the topics deepened? If you’d like to share them, please do. Either add them to the comments or email me.

Here’s my list:

  1. My Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
    (Loving and faithful–always available and reliable.)
  2. Trials
    (I cringed typing the above word, but with the Lord, trials turn into beautiful testimonies, and that’s super good.)
  3. Prayer
    (Our God allows direct and constant communication. He wants to hear our voices. I want to hear His.)
  4. The Bible
    (I love it when the scriptures come alive. In fact, I crave this in my Bible reading. You too?)
  5. Friends and Family
    (My husband treats me like a queen. Our three, individual and loving children are true blessings. Many beautiful friends have stepped into our lives and created a lasting, loving impression.)
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Things to Be Grateful For About Yourself

Surprised by this one? You are fearfully and wonderfully made, according to Psalm 139:14. God’s work is to be praised. Why not be grateful?

Take a quick challenge. Grab that paper again and list 3-5 things you’re grateful for about yourself. Maybe it’s eyes that see, a tongue that offers words of encouragement. How about hands and feet that do the work of God or a lovely neck that flows in obedience? Think about the skills and gifts He’s knit into your being, about the blood that reminds of us Jesus our Savior, the heart that beats to worship Him, and so much more. There’s much to be grateful for. Praise God.

Not-To-Miss Thanksgiving Posts

Gratitude Scripture

Some Bible versions use the word gratitude. Others use “thanksgiving” in the same sense. The WEB version uses thanksgiving. This gratitude scripture is a good one to memorize or focus on today. Write it on an index card or use some of the scripture memorization ideas here.

“As therefore you received Christ Jesus, the Lord, walk in him, rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, even as you were taught, abounding in it in thanksgiving.”

Col. 2:6-7 WEB

Printable Gratitude List & Gratitude Bible Reading Plan

Gratitude Journal pages
Download it now from the Subscriber Library.
Not a Subscriber? No problem! Sign up here. subscribers received a link to the new “Embracing Gratitude” Bible Reading Plan & Journal earlier this month in a private email, but new subscribers have an opportunity to grab it from the library, too.

Not a subscriber? No problem! Sign up here for library access and a whole lot more. Watch your inbox for the confirmation email (sometimes they land in either the spam or promotions folder), which contains the password.

This 14-day faith-building tool keeps us in the Word and focused on gratitude. It’s useful to help our faith, and it’s free along with other Bible reading plans, scripture-based prayer printables, ministry printables, graphics, and more.

copies of free Christian printables available in the subscriber library - title at top

I hope you grab Embracing Gratitude to help create your daily gratitude list. With Thanksgiving this month, it’s a good place to focus. Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

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