How Does Your Thanksgiving Flow?

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How does your thanksgiving flow?

Mine? It flows. Then it stops, as though someone has turned off the faucet. Nothing. Nada. In fact, I forget. Generous heaps of thanks come to a calm. Dare I say that as a Christian? Dare I admit sometimes I become so self-centered that I forego giving thanks, even forgetting?

Well, I do.

But the flow isn’t dry. God’s still near. There’s hope the current of thanksgiving will run once again, that generosity will, indeed, overflow.

Maybe you’re like me, in need of a yarn-on-the-finger reminder for thanksgiving? With my own strand of yarn in sight, I’m determined to practice an open pipeline of thanksgiving, to live my life in the palm of God’s hand, moved by a flow of generosity. Would you like to come along with me? You’re welcome on the journey.

Memory Verses Full of Thanksgiving

This month’s memory verses for ScriptureBank2015 hinge on the fulcrum of thanks. I’m plastering them on the inside of my heart, hanging wallpaper for all to see. But most important is the One who sees: God.

Thumbnail copies of Thanksgiving Bible Coloring Pages for adults on graphic introducing them, set of 10

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Wall of Thanks

I’m also plastering thanks on the kitchen wall. let’s throw it wherever it’ll stick, so all will see and give thanks to our great God.

Hubby and I created the chalkboard below several months ago to decorate our “Wall of Praise”. (This post, found on Pinterest, spurred the idea.) This month it’s a Board of Thanksgiving. By month’s end, it’ll overflow with thanks. And if we run out of room? A notebook will do.




One Way to Grow in Thanksgiving:

Offer 1 bit of thanksgiving daily, or a few more if you’re so inclined. If you’re already proficient at offering thanks, why not up the offering? Our goal isn’t really numbers, it’s God. Becoming intimately acquainted with a generous heart that gives thanks–that is our goal. It’s offering our words in worship to God Almighty.

What are you thankful for today? Share on X

Go ahead. Write it out, put it down. Let God and others know what you’re thankful for. I’d love to hear. Feel free to put your thanks in the comments below or on my Facebook page here.

My prayer for you, me too?

Lord, I desire to grow, to give a forever flow of thanks to You, my God. Amen. Share on X
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More on Thanks

And if you’re especially in the mood to venture with thanks, delve into these blog posts from fellow blog-writing friends:

Betsy de Cruz ~ 30 Day Challenge: Reconnect to the Wonder of Life

Kristine Brown ~ Thanks in Advance

Crystal Storms ~ Intentional Thankfulness

Happy Thanksgving, my friend.

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  1. How easy it is to forget the thousand things right in front of us that God brings with His focus on the things not working, rather than all the love and beauty in each moment!
    Sending you blessings during this week of remembering..Happy Thanksgiving..from #raralinkup!

  2. Kristi, I LOVE that chalkboard, friend. What a great idea, something you can repurpose every once in a while. This month for Thanksgiving. And thanks for the mention on your blog today. I’m honored.

    May the Lord multiply your joy as you give thanks. I know it can’t be easy for you right now. First Thanksgiving without your dear dad.

  3. Kristi, I’m thankful for your friendship and the way you encourage and bless me with your words. We recently added a chalkboard house to our entryway (Proverbs 31 store). I wrote a few things on there when I bought but haven’t added anything to it. You inspired me to fill up the board and remember to give thanks to God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you also, friend, for sharing my words of thanksgiving. : )

  4. Hey friend, I have to be intentional too. It’s so easy to let that faucet run dry if I don’t make a conscious effort to notice all the blessings in front of me. Thank you! Have a beautiful Thanksgiving.