#YourStory: Kristine Brown

This sweet Texan is simply that: sweet. She has a heart for teens and women, writing to encourage their faith walk. We met on Compel Training, both writers at the beginning of a journey. I must say, Kristine’s writing has emerged this past year right before my eyes. It’s good. Dig in and enjoy today’s testimony from Kristine Brown.

Miracle Moments of My Everyday

by Kristine Brown (guest post)

I don’t have a story.

At least, that’s what I told myself. I wanted to write, but there was one minor problem. Nothing much newsworthy ever happened in my life, just more of what most would call mundane.

I hadn’t scaled any mountaintops or swam across any vast seas.

I’d never battled an illness and conquered it with overwhelming victory.

I hadn’t lived through unexpected disaster.

I’d never faced a life-threatening situation and survived.

No, I didn’t have any remarkable stories of overcoming obstacles. Not that I would want anyone to have to go through such situations, but I’d met some amazing women who had. Those were the women who should be telling their stories, not me. Those were the women whose lives would inspire others. So why bother writing things down when my circumstances seem uneventful at best?

This thought left me feeling as if I had nothing to share, no words to offer that would benefit anyone. And the more women I met with extraordinary life stories, the more this thought grew. As it gained momentum, it threatened to overshadow the spark I felt inside.

Tell your story. I kept hearing that simple phrase over and over. But this innocent directive brought about self-doubt I didn’t even know existed. I knew I wanted to be a writer. I knew God placed a dream in my heart. But I didn’t have a big “God-moment” to talk about – something that would motivate others to love Him more deeply and follow Him more closely.

So I did the only thing I knew to do. I began writing down the simple things. The almost unnoticeable moments in my life when God showed Himself to me. Because that’s the way God works so often – in answers to the smallest prayers and peace through the daily trials…

...God works so often – in answers to the smallest prayers and peace through the daily trials… ~Kristine Brown Share on X

In an ovarian cyst which turned out to be benign.

In the birth of a healthy baby boy after six years of waiting.

In restored family relationships.

In comfort after the death of a loved one.

In a new job after nine months of unemployment.

In someone who says, “Your words were exactly what I needed today. Thank you.”

In the right verse that touches you at just the right time. Yes, I discovered my big story was in the miracle moments of my everyday.

You are the God who does wonders.
    You have made your strength known among the peoples.

(Psalm 77:14 WEB)

God performs miracles that demonstrate His power and show the world His awesome wonder. He also performs miracles that might not be seen by anyone else but me. But one by one, those big and small blessings build our faith until we become strong witnesses for His glory.

This happens to be the grandest miracle of all – a God who would take me and create something special, a God who would use me to reach others with the life-saving message of His son Jesus Christ.

This happens to be the grandest miracle of all – a God who would take me and create something special... ~ Kristine Brown Share on X

Do you see God working miracle moments in your life today? Embrace them, and find joy in what most would call mundane. God is building you for a great work through the gift of ordinary blessings. And when that desire to share it begins as a spark deep within you, tell your story.

You have an important one to tell, and it will be exactly what someone needs to hear.

Bio pic

Meet Kristine ~

Kristine is a writer, dramatist, and teacher. She helps women and teen girls navigate the ups and downs of real-life. Kristine devotes her time to family, freelance writing, and her non-profit ministry, More Than Yourself, Inc. You can read more from her at www.morethanyourself.com. Connect with Kristine on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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  1. Your story is beautiful, Kristine. I can relate to feeling like I don’t have any dramatic story, but God does work many miracle moments into my days. Precious truth here, friend. An encouraging read for me this morning.

    1. Thanks Betsy! I often feel like I don’t have anything relevant to say or share, but then God so graciously reminds me of those precious moments where He gave me just what I needed – sometimes big and sometimes small, but always His perfect answer:)

  2. I loved this post because it so resonated with me. For years, I had felt the same way – no story. And then God showed me the greater story – my life which has been kept by His grace every. single. day. of my life. So grateful to have stopped here today & been reminded. Blessings!

  3. Kristine, I love this. God does work miracles every day around us and I often wonder if we’ve immunized ourselves from seeing them. Thank you for sharing that even when life seems normal, God is always working! And His work is always mighty b/c it can be nothing else. <3 Thank you for this good reminder for the good days.

    1. I agree, Lisa. I sometimes wonder that myself:) I get caught up in the monotony and fail to see the miraculous all around me and in each simple moment. God bless you my friend!

  4. I love this so much! I love how God worked through you to see the miracles in ordinary moments, in life transitions, in simple graces..how he formed us uniquely in our mother’s womb to carry on his story! Although I find a tinge of envy that you didn’t have monumental troubles to write about in your life, you remind me that it’s people like you who helped light a Godly path ahead in my life that was layered with trials and tribulations. Of course God wanted me, too, to share His grace. We are all here to be lights for Him! I so much enjoyed this today! Visiting from #raralinkup~

    1. Wow! What a great perspective for me today, Kathy. We all need someone to guide us through tribulation and light our path when things are not-so-easy. So many people in my life to thank for being that light. I believe we shine even brighter when we share our remarkable testimonies with others! Thank you for your comment and for visiting from the linkup today:)

  5. Beautifully written and well said Kristine! Even after surviving a stroke, I never really felt I had a story to share but God does. He wants to use us to glorify Him in all that we do. I am always blessed when I read writers like yourself and Kristi share what God has laid on your hearts. Thank you for sharing with us today. May you and Kristi both have a wonderful holiday season with your families. God bless and keep sharing!

    1. Thank you so much for the encouraging words, Horace. You are so right – we all have a story to share. And it sounds like you have a great story – a source of inspiration for many! I will remember your words, also. God wants us to glorify Him in all that we do. Yes! I pray you have a wonderful holiday, as well. God bless you!

  6. Hi Kristine! I was so blessed by this post today. I understand the hesitancy to write or to feel you have something worth writing. That resistance can silence us for a long time. I identify with that experience despite the tug on my heart since childhood to write. I had written for a newspaper as a stringer a long time ago for three years and loved it, but then about 15 years ago when I shared some writing with someone who was involved with this world of writing professionally I basically had every doubt confirmed and I stopped writing anything. It was finally this May that I started a website that featured some of my photography and a blog as part of a Writer’s Boot Camp assignment. So, here I am….retired, a wife of 50 years with two grown children and six grandchildren finally silencing the resistance to risk writing. You said it all so well! Thanks!!!
    Blessings on you and your willingness to be so open!

    1. Pam, that is an awesome story! I would love to visit your website. I totally understand letting those doubts silence you. Been there, sister! So thankful today that it’s never too late to pursue our passions. Blessings!

  7. Kristine, I love how God opened your eyes to see His hand in your everyday life. Colossians says He holds all things together. We’d fall apart without Him. It is easy to take the blessings of life for granted and not recognize His hand when we don’t stop and capture them. Jesus’ mother, Mary, was a wonderful example of treasuring the moments of life. Your writing reminds me of her example of treasuring God’s gifts. Thanks so much.

    1. Oh Debbie, you touched my heart in a special way with your sweet comment. Yes, it is so easy to take those things for granted and not recognize God’s hand in our everyday moments. May we always give Him praise and follow His call to share what He has done!

  8. Wow Kristine, I this is one of my favorite posts from you. I think it’s because so many can relate, myself included. I’m sure we’ve all felt this way at one time or another, and yet you illustrate with beautiful clarity how God can use anyone to demonstrate his power and his glory. We simply have to be willing. Love this. Thank you, my friend.

  9. Beautiful and true. We all have something to tell and share because we are all part of His Body, and without you His Body would not be the same. And because He speaks through those He resides in, our words can have incredible power often precisely when we feel we have nothing to give, because He has us speak things into people who need exactly what we say, no matter how mundane it sounds, at that exact time, as you shared. Beautiful and encouraging. Thank you.

  10. Oh, Kristine, your words touch my heart. I’ve heard those voices of self-doubt. Thank you for continuing to say “yes” to His call and sharing His story through your words. : )
    Thank you, Kristi, for sharing this on #IntentionalTuesday and encouraging others we’re not alone in this journey to follow God’s call. : )

  11. The miracle in everyday! Wow!
    Thank you for this humble and transparent story! I can find my story somewhere in your story too! Very relatable everyday joys the Lord gives us.
    Thanks for this, Kristine.
    Blessings to you both

  12. I pray that my eyes would be open ‘enough’ to see these beautiful miracles in my God-filled breaths.
    So grateful that your story is linked up at Susan’s this morning and you are my neighbor.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda