A Prayer for My Mother

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I’d love to offer a prayer for my mother — something simple yet powerful. You too?

Mine lives eight hundred miles away, and we haven’t seen each other in over a year due to COVID. We talk daily on the phone, but there’s something different, special, and powerful about praying. Those war room words bombard heaven with a spiritual power beyond our own.

Thank You, Lord, that You hear. And see. And care.

I’m sharing my prayer with you–in case words aren’t coming as fluently as you’d like, and you’d appreciate a little prayer assistance. Goodness knows I’ve needed enough of it in my walk of faith!

These words contain bits of Scripture because praying God’s Word back to Him is powerful. But there’s not just one listed. Since many of us have moms in different circumstances, you’ll find other prayers and resources to help you pray as well. (There’s an option for a pdf printable at the end of this post, too.)

Underneath each prayer for mothers, I’ve listed the Scripture references that inspired the prayer. Run with ’em, friend, and spend some time one-on-one with the woman God ordained to give you life.

Scripture Prayers for Mother & Others

If you’d like more Scripture-based prayers like those noted on the graphic below, check out the Subscriber Library link (password is in monthly emails or your welcome email), the Free Christian Resources page, or the prayers on my not-so-famous-but-hopefully-helpful YouTube channel. 🙂

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How Can I Pray for My Mother?

God sees–you, me, everyone. Not sure? Check out John 1 & John 4. He knows what’s in our heart–even concerning our mother. Simply allow the conversation to flow. Eloquent words aren’t required. A heart turned toward the true God is.

Regular words work. You can even add scripture, praying those God-breathed words over your mama. God simply desires to commune with you and me about the ones we love.

Hand holding gift book, 101 Prayers for Military Wives, with purchaser quote beside it.

Protection Prayer for My Mother

Lord, You’ve been with my mother from the beginning, and You’re with her now. I give You praise. However, the enemy wants her–anything to keep Your child from You. So I send my plea to You now. May no weapon formed against my mother prosper. May she recognize darkness and flee. May her thoughts be centered on things noble, true, right, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy. Protect her heart, lead her in the way everlasting.
In Jesus’ name I ask this, amen.

Phil. 4:8 , Isaiah 54:17

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A Prayer for My Mother in Heaven

This one’s a thanksgiving offering to God for mothers who are in heaven.

Thank you for my mother. You created her in Your likeness and image. And it was good. You knit her in her mother’s womb, knowing all the days ordained for her even before they began. Your work in her was wonderful. I give You praise. Thank You for making Mom and allowing me to be her daughter. Thank You for the lives she touched, including mine, and the love she gave. Thank You for the gift of her.
In Jesus’ name, amen.

Psalm 139:13-15

A Prayer for Mom

Use this prayer for your mom on Mother’s Day or any day. God always hears.

You search and know my mother. You know when she sits and when she rises. You perceive her thoughts from afar. You discern her going out and her lying down. You are familiar with all her ways, after all, you knit her in her mother’s womb.

You love her.
I’m so grateful.

All the days ordained for her were written in Your book before one came to be.
How awesome!

You’re a God who sees. You see her just as she is as well as her needs. Doubt has no place, so I pray against any doubt warring against her faith. May she have belief and hope instead.

You’re a need-satisfier. Meet her needs today, Lord, whether spiritual, physical, emotional, or other. You know what she truly needs. May those be fulfilled, and may she overflow with fulfillment.

Lead her in the way everlasting. May Your grace and love surround her like a warm blanket, comforting her to keep away the chill of life.

Thank You for choosing her to be my mom and me to be her daughter. Today and all her tomorrows, may she know she’s loved and cherished by others and me but mostly by You.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

PS 139:1-3, 16

Prayer for Mother PDF
Enjoy free access to this prayer PDF through Mother’s Day 2021. Afterward, it’s still free, but available only in the
Subscriber’s Library. Subscribe Here. It’s free!

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