The Power of Worship, Part 2
During Job’s initial trial, he fell to the ground in worship, decidedly overcoming the power of the enemy. However, trial #2 was a bit different. The worship was missing as self-pity came to fulfill its duty. Job was found basking in the midst of the ashes, scraping the sores of life rather than worshiping the Almighty.
Job cried out in the midst of these ashes, wondering why his birth came to be. All the while his well-meaning friends arrived with consolation as their driver. They began to speak a multitude of fine sounding arguments, all in the name of “reaching out to a friend.” The arguments filled the air with instruction, direction, correction and all sorts of other “tions.” They appeared plausible in the eye of theology, yet their loaf of daily bread lacked one key spiritual ingredient: knowledge.
It is then that silence left the stage and His words of knowledge burst forth in color and power:
It is the Lord. After gathering everyone’s attention, He then lead Job into four chapters worth pouring forth His knowledge. (Job 38-41) Time after time the Lord spoke of His ability and oh so strong arm.
As Job stepped out of the ashes and toward the loving embrace of His Father, the world changed. Instead of the dark, self-pitying closet Job had holed up in, he found himself in the bright, spacious land of repentance.
Oh, the aroma of freedom; it is repentance. Job found this glorious land as he came to know His God in a whole new way; once with his ears and now with his eyes. He could see the hand of God and knew His work was worthy of worship.
The repentance is beautiful, as it led to the knowledge and newly found depth of love with his Father. The end result?
If you’re in a dark place, perhaps that closet of ashes and open sores, gather up the reigns of repentance and find His freedom in the midst. Journey on in worship, allowing the strength and ability of the Lord to lead the way. In turn, enjoy the blessing as you come out into His marvelous light.
He Is,
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