WORD17, Week 32

Welcome to WORD17, a scripture memorization program!

Each month we dig into God’s Word, memorizing one verse. Every 1st Monday, a new verse posts. 2nd – 4th Mondays include either graphics with our verse or a more in-depth post centered around the month’s verse. You are welcome to join at any time.

For past scriptures, take a peek at this Pinterest Board.  

This month I'm memorizing PS 56:3. Join me here!  Share on X


Prayer for Students

Interested in praying for a college student or even a younger pupil? Here are two places to find prayers for those special young ones in your life:

Worried About Your College Student? Start Here

One Helpful Way to Pray for Your Student

Do you struggle with rejection?

Removing the Sting of Rejection

Subscribe below to receive the 3-day devotional Removing the Sting of Rejection in your inbox for FREE. Use this devotional to build your spiritual muscles to counter the sting of rejection.

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