Wronged and Wounded? What Would Jesus Do?

What would Jesus do?

Wounded when wronged – it happens, doesn’t it?

And goodness, forget forgiveness in those tough situations.

After all, we’ve been wronged: wounded by their words, hurt by their intentions, maimed by their force.

They simply don’t deserve our forgiveness. Right?

But what would Jesus do?

(Remember that saying from years past – WWJD? Yeah, we’re heading back there.)

What would Jesus Do?

He faced a walk ripe for withholding forgiveness. Just look at these injustices. Jesus was:

  • betrayed
  • denied
  • mocked
  • beaten
  • stolen from
  • spit upon
  • crucified

His reaction?

Jesus forgave.

What did Jesus do? He forgave. #forgive #Jesus #power Share on X

He set misleading feelings aside (because honestly, isn’t that what we’re battling?) and followed His Father instead.

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” Dividing his garments among them, they cast lots. Luke 23:34 WEB

We’re barely post-Easter. Why drop the Easter story and move on? Why not live a life of Easter 365 days this year? Why not live like Jesus.

Love authored life.

Forgiveness raised it from the dead.

Why not live the power-filled life Jesus died for?

Forgiveness seems a good place to start.


Love authored life. Forgiveness raised it from the dead. Why not live the power-filled life Jesus died for? #forgiveness #power #jesus Share on X

A Prayer to Pray ~


You are the author of love. You’ve lavished in upon me in beautiful ways. Praise You. Show me my heart. Is there an area ripe for forgiveness? Make clear my intentions. Show me the way everlasting. Strengthen me. Father, I choose to forgive. 

In Jesus’ name, amen.


Have you always wanted to memorize scripture, hide God’s Word in your heart so you’re ready when the battle heats? Join us! WORD18 is a scripture memory program. This year we’re memorizing Psalm 34 – the whole, crazy-good thing. You’re invited. Start here. 

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  1. Wow Kristi, we talk about living Christmas joy 365 days a year, but rarely do I hear anyone refer to Easter that way! And to think one way to do that is to keep forgiving! Needing these words today friend!

  2. It is so hard to withhold forgiveness when we see what Jesus has forgiven. We hold others to a higher standard – we don’t want to forgive a few sins against us but Jesus forgives ALL our sins and ALL were against Him. Love this post and how it focuses on what He has done so we can joyfully offer the same to others. Thank you!

    1. Amen, Diana. Funny enough, I find it far too easy to wrap life up in a ball that’s “all about me.” But Easter 365? Jesus has a way of unwrapping that ball.

      1. I like the term Easter 365 ! Visiting you again 🙂 because that’s exactly what Jesus would do 🙂 He keeps coming back for us . Praise God

  3. It’s so easy to carry the wounds around with and feel like we have a right to be bitter or mad or cut the relationship. It really is amazing to consider that Jesus forgave us who nailed him to the cross. Yes and yes, live Easter 365. xoxo