Love Is My Superpower {#YourStory: Lyli Dunbar}


Love is My Superpower

As a child, I had a strong sense of justice. I lived in a home where the scales tipped heavily down in one direction, and I thought it was my job to defend the defenseless.

I pushed and shoved in hopes of righting a wrong. What I realized after many rancorous battles was that she who yells loudest does not win.

Hostility never saves the day.

All my self-righteous indignation did little to change the acrimonious state of affairs in my environment.

I can’t strong-arm my way to greater peace. Pride never tears down strongholds of hatred and abuse.

Years of pain and misunderstanding later, I sat vigil in a hospital room next to the sick bed of the pesky person who I’d viewed as my adversary for close to three decades. Caring for a fragile shell of the broken bully cut through the layers of bravado.

I saw the raw weakness and need in the eyes of my enemy. God spoke clearly to me on that day. The Great Physician told me to lay down my sword and put on my servant’s hat.

My job is not to chastise and cajole. My calling is to support and strengthen.

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If I became a helper, God would step in as a Healer.

Using my own might, my flesh will never succeed in this endeavor, but I’ve got access to God’s supernatural strength as I rely on the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in me.

I’ve learned that love is my superpower.

  • Love responds with forbearance.

“A fool shows his annoyance the same day, but one who overlooks an insult is prudent.” (Proverbs 12:16, WEB).

“Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs” (Proverbs 10:12).

  • Love promotes peace.

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18).

  • Love speaks with kindness.

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1).

Flower with Prov. 10:12 written in white

As we tap into God’s supernatural love, He transforms broken relationships and restores families.

God transforms broken relationships and restores families ~ @3dlessons4life Share on X

I wish I could tell you that God has completely redeemed the brokenness in my family of origin, but that is not that case. What has happened is that as I’ve surrendered my will to God’s, He has softened my heart and changed my perspective.

I no longer seek justice. I long for salvation.

I’ve come to view my family as my mission field, not my battlefield. Sure, there are still minefields of misunderstanding to wade through, but rather than fight in the flesh, I choose to wage war on my knees and don the armor of the Spirit. The Apostle Paul challenged the warrior believers in the early church to “be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet” (I Thessalonians 5:8).

I'm determined to wage war on my knees. Share on X

Just this week, we had family drama. I’ve once again adopted the hashtag #ArmorOn and chosen to let God fight my battles for me, rather than respond with vindictiveness. Just because someone picks a fight with me doesn’t mean I have to put up my fists. I can fall at the feet of Jesus and crucify my pride instead.

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The enemy of our souls loves to plant seeds of discord in our families – especially around the holidays. At one point this month, I was pretty sure I’d end up eating turkey alone on Thanksgiving and decorating my tree in a puddle of tears. But I prayed through the pain, and I responded with love.

Love is my superpower. It melts hard hearts and breathes life and light into dark places.

Love is my superpower. It melts hard hearts & breathes life & light into dark places. ~ 3dlessons4life Share on X

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About Lyli ~

Lyli Dunbar |

Lyli enjoys road trips with her husband, connecting with women through Bible study, and reading way too many books. She shares how everyday experiences help flesh out her faith at 3-D Lessons for Life. A disciple, wife, educator, and mentor, Lyli is just a girl working to keep the faith day by day. She serves as Social Media Manager for Missional Women and is a contributor at Start Marriage Right and Daily Devo. You can also connect with Lyli on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook.

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  1. I love this Lyli. Love is our superpower. What a powerful story you tell here. And I know what you mean about conflict around the holidays. It happened to me too at Thanksgiving…but I decided to LET IT GO, and everything worked out.

    1. I am happy to report that we had a Holly Jolly Holiday after all, which makes me hopeful for Christmas. I know God is still in the business of Peace on earth and Goodwill toward man. 🙂 — Praying for your family this morning, Betsy. Thanks for sharing that. It helps me to know that you understand the struggle!

  2. All the glimpses of your story shared online have meant so much to me, Lyli! Thank you for speaking this precious and vulnerable truth. Salvation over justice. That’s a prayer I pray too, friend.

    1. Thank you, Bethany. You are such a cheerleader friend. — I think the enemy tries to get us “off game.” I need to stay on my knees for my lost family members. I am not fighting them really… God is fighting for their souls.

  3. I love this message! I love the idea of not seeking justice, but salvation, and in salvation love reigns and plows through fields of discontent, hurt, pain, revenge..everything. Love wins! Excellent post! Visiting from #TestimonyTuesday

  4. How fun to discover Lyli here! And empowering. I’ve followed Lyli’s blog quite awhile, and love her ability to strengthen our faith with her own. Love this: “If I became a helper, God would step in as a Healer.” And this: “Love is my superpower.” Thanks, Kristi, for sharing this beautiful woman of God here.

  5. Lyli, that’s a huge lesson to learn, especially with family. I have a dear family in nearly every respect and yet, still, I have to learn to always respond with love. What a good word today.

    1. Lisa, I am glad to hear that you have a peaceful family — but yes, pretty much in any situation where there are more than 2 people, there is bound to be a little drama from time to time. It’s part of being human, I think!

  6. Lyli, thank you for sharing a piece of your journey. I appreciate your words and perspective. I need to let love be my superpower this Christmas season and in the days beyond. And as you mentioned, my pride must first be crucified at the foot of the cross.

    I have too many thoughts to type out now, but know that your post spoke to me. ????

  7. My friend, this spoke straight to my heart! I love your posture of surrender. This is something I’ve struggled with for years. By nature I’m a fighter. But that is not always the best way. Sometimes, many times, God calls us to lay down the sword and pick up “the servants hat.” Thank you for this beautiful revelation. And thank you, Kristi for sharing Lyli with us today! ❤️

  8. Battlefield or mission field — what a perspective shifter, Lyli. Standing with you in prayer for your family and mine. Fighting this battle on our knees.
    Thank you for sharing your heart, Lyli.
    Thank you, Kristi, for sharing her story.