Have You Ever Asked, “Who Am I?”

Who AM I? on KristiWoods.net

Have you ever asked, “Who am I?”

Sometimes the question threads among feelings like being left out, not chosen, rejected, or simply feeling unsettled.

We come up for air after a conversation, situation, or season in life rattled and uncertain of our place or how to stand in life.

Goodness. Who am I?

I’m convinced the enemy of our soul desires to keep our identity twisted and shaken. Why? Because that keeps us captive and controlled while squelching the glory of God.

No more. Let’s allow our Father’s majesty to lead the way. Why garner worth based on lies when truth proves right?

And so, as we head into 2019 on KristiWoods.net, gather focus straight on Jesus and His assurance of who we are. We’re soaking in truth while sitting in prayer–holding hands with these verses and calling them our own.

Give God all glory.

Let’s march through 2019 more assured as children of the Almighty, allowing His magnificence to sit on display for all to see.

If you are a Christian, you are HIS.


I Am Enough Free Download

A Gift to Start the Year

Does the voice of “not enough” reverberate inside? Perhaps a mothering crisis has left you wrought with those feelings. Maybe a loved one, a job, or failed accomplishments leave you labeled with insufficiency.

Shall we allow that label to stick? Those feelings to rumble inside?

Or, shall we run to God and His truth and find a solid rock on which to stand?

As a New Year’s gift to you, grab this handy truth and declaration page by logging into the Subscriber Library. Muffle the voice of “not enough” with the truth of Almighty God.

Friend, we are enough simply because Christ stands as more than enough.

Grab these Bible verses. Declare them, using them as weapons in the battle against insufficiency. Know who you are. After all, the grace of Jesus Christ stands sufficient–always.

Not a subscriber? Never fear. Simply join us here. Look for an email containing the library password, offering access to a whole slew of faith-building downloads and encouragement for your walk with Jesus. You’ll also receive regular email updates.

Who AM I?

Welcome to “Who Am I?”–2019’s memory verse program on KristiWoods.net. This year’s program answers the question most of us ask: Who AM I?

Find scriptures reinforcing God’s truth about His creation–you and me. And interestingly enough, every one of these “Who am I’s” point straight back to Him. It’s a beautiful relationship.

Many times our insecurities, fears, and decisions rise simply because we haven’t solidified an answer to “Who am I?”

Our accomplishments tout knowledge. People too. Jobs offer insight, roles on committees or ministry as well. And we set our identity there.

Truth be told, only our Father knows our innermost parts. He created them. Only he holds the answer and the truth of who we truly are.

How about setting focus there–on truth?

We’ll dig into 22 verses this year, 2/month Jan.-Nov.–each one a refreshing waterfall of God’s rain pouring down on us, soaking us with truth, washing away the filthy lies we’ve believed so long.

It’s time.

Are you ready?

What to Expect

Look for new memory verses each 1st and 3rd Tuesday here on the blog. Find them automatically in your inbox by subscribing here. (Remember, this also allows you access to all the yummy free printables in the Subscriber Library, regular faith-building email updates, as well as “3”, our “family” newsletter.)

Feel free to right mouse click to save and/or print the memory verse graphics. They remain free for your personal or ministry use.

Unsure how to memorize God’s Word? Here are a few suggestions. 

If this memory verse program, Who AM I?, sounds like your gig, will you share it with someone else? Let’s squelch the voice of darkness and lift high that of our Father.

Who AM I? Join us for this #2019 #Bible memory verse program on KristiWoods.net Share on X


Our 1st Verse

Without further adieu, here’s our 1st memory verse of 2019!

God's Children, John 1:12 written out

So there you go, beautiful child of God. Receive and believe.

Stay Tuned

Have fun hiding this one in your heart. And stay tuned. A wider array of downloadable “Who AM I?” memory verses and affirmations, as well as downloadable graphics for cards, are coming soon!

Looking for an Online Devotional? White background with Crosswalk.com written on it,

Are you looking for a 5 minute devotional that encourages and challenges women? Take a peek at Wholly Loved’s daily devotionals on Crosswalk.com. Simply subscribe and they’ll land in your inbox daily. I have been enjoying them for over a month now, and they’re really good. Short, sweet, and super encouraging. And hey, every once in a while you might see a piece pop up with a familiar name. Last year brought the privilege of joining Wholly Loved’s team of writers and speakers.

Last Ditty

Interested in last year’s memory verse program? Check out this link for more. See you next Tuesday!

KristiWoods.net sign-up form
Linking with other Jesus lovers and writers here: #Purposefulfaith, #HeartencouragementThursday, #FaithonFire

Do you struggle with rejection?

Removing the Sting of Rejection

Subscribe below to receive the 3-day devotional Removing the Sting of Rejection in your inbox for FREE. Use this devotional to build your spiritual muscles to counter the sting of rejection.

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  1. I love that you are doing this Kristi! Memorizing Scripture is such an important piece of our faith journey. You go girl. Also, I have to say that I have never heard of the WEB version of the Bible, I have to check that out. 🙂

    1. Hi Nicki! Don’t you love that God has given us an offensive and defensive weapon in the Bible? Love it!. As for the WEB version, it can be used freely. That’s primarily why I use it. Take care and happy new year!

  2. Love this focus for the year. If we could ever get who we are through our thick, over-stressed skulls, there is no limit to what God could do through us!!

  3. God is truly working, Kristi. My son and I memorized John 1:12 last Friday. It seems as though God really wants His children to remember who they are in 2019. Visiting from Purposeful Faith

    1. Oh Aminata, that does my heart good. You’re a wise mama, and your son is blessed to be exposed to his true identity already. Thanks for visiting. You’re welcome anytime!

  4. Congratulations on joining Wholly Loved, and thank you for this emphasis on Scripture. We will never know who we are until we first take from God the identity of Beloved Child!

  5. “Many times our insecurities, fears, and decisions rise simply because we haven’t solidified an answer to ‘Who am I?'” Amen, Kristi! Knowing who we we and Whose we are has the power to change everything. What a great focus for the new year!