How Do We Honor Our Mother? Mother’s Day, 2017

Purple petunia flower blossom with Happy Mother's Day overlayed

Mother’s Day is upon us.

Many of us will give flowers or some other gift of meaning or beauty. Some of us will miss our mother altogether, her life most certainly gone too early. And others of us will acknowledge there’s a woman who gave us birth, but the relationship stops there.

One thing is certain: all females reading this are daughters.

We hold in our life book different circumstances. Different experiences. Different relationships.

But there’s one thing in scripture, regardless of how our relationships seemingly flow, to which our attention is called:

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which Yahweh your God gives you. Ex. 20:12 WEB

Maybe you’ve asked the same question I have: How do I honor my mother and father? Several of you answered this very question on my Facebook page and on Instagram. The answers were good! Take a peek:

For me honoring my mom starts with the words I speak to and about her. ~ Crystal

Time. We’re away from all of ours, so it’s mostly time on the phone/emailing. We visit when we can, and share time and do jobs that need to be done. ~ Lisa

I have learned to honor my father by forgiving him for the pain he caused in my life. God is so good. So faithful for His grace and forgiveness toward me. ~ Jamie

I try to call them once a week. (From the other side of the world.) ~ Betsy

We all have different answers concerning how we honor our parents – because we all have differing stories. Aren’t the answers neat to read? One size truly does not fit all.

But somewhere in there, in all our lives regardless of the backstory, remains the pathway for honoring our parents. Whether honor comes alive through phone calls, “to do” lists, or a constant flow of forgiveness, can we encourage one another to press into the Lord with obedience?

Let’s encourage one another to consider Ex. 20:12 today and this weekend.  Let’s look to our Holy Father and honor our earthly mother as is fitting. And if that seems impossible? Snuggle up to the Lord in prayer and ask, “Where and what now, Lord? How do I honor her?”

For all you mothers out there ~ Happy Mother’s Day!  

Available Now!

 Chicken Soup for the Soul: Military Families was released this week. Royalties go to the USO, a worthwhile organization near and dear my and many military family hearts. Grab a copy at your local bookstore. And hey, while you’re at it, check out the story on page 92. 😉

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