Pavers making a sidewalk with Christian blog post overlay that says Pray These 3 Bold Prayers to Help Protect Your College Student

Pray These 3 Bold Prayers to Help Protect Your College Student

Here are three bold prayers for your college student.  What Led Me to Pray for My College Student “Mom, when I leave for college, I probably won’t be home until December,” Joel offered. Tears filled my eyes and began spilling south. With head bowed, my oldest son commented, “Gary says you’ll probably cry when I…

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Bolden Your Faith by Memorizing This Scripture and More

Do you want to bolden your faith by memorizing Scripture? Here’s your chance! It’s #WORD18. Bolden Your Faith This year readers and I are memorizing Psalm 34.  The whole thing. You’re invited to join us. We’re just over halfway depositing these scriptures in the heart in 2018.(Find past verses here–scroll down to the Memory Verses.)…

5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know (Texting Ideas Included)

5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know (Texting Ideas Included)

    Ready for truth and text ideas? Here are 5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know. It’s back-to-school time. Last year at this time, we dropped Joel at college. In fact, the one-year memory photo popped on my Facebook feed over the weekend. Talk about transitions! Joel zoomed forward into adulthood, heading four…

Summer Reading Roundup: 10 Tools That Will Help Boost Your Faith

Summer Reading Roundup: 10 Tools That Will Help Boost Your Faith

If we squint real hard, we’ll see the end of summer approaching, so how about a summer reading roundup of 10 tools that will help boost your faith? These are all books and resources I’ve grown to love and thought you might find helpful as well. Some of these tools sit online, others wait on…

Ever Wondered What a Christian Should Pursue? Find It Here.

Ever Wondered What a Christian Should Pursue? Find It Here.

Have you ever wondered what a Christian should pursue? The thought has crossed my mind. Maybe it has yours too. Psalm 34:14, our next memory verse, lays it out in plain view. Isn’t God good?! Christians Should Pursue This We’re called to depart from evil. Followers of Christ are also called to:  Do good. Seek…