Blue sky with yellow-leafed tree, Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4 NIV) written above the tree

In Life’s “Tough”, How Do You Give Thanks?

“Prepare me, Lord.” The ending days of Dad’s life were coming. The rockslide was imminent, a slippery slope forย certain. I didn’t want Dad to go. I needed God. Maybe you have felt that stomach-churning realization as well? The prayer was whispered in August. Just last week, I realized God answered that prayer. Maybe he has answered…

How Your Generosity Can Cause the Good and Faithful Servant to Rise

How Your Generosity Can Cause the Good and Faithful Servant to Rise

Never did I consider it. The writing lessons were supposed to be an aid for ministry, not for writing obituaries. Tears welled. Oh God, I don’t want these skills for this. They’re not supposed to be for writing an obituary. Lord, help me…. I took a deep breath, an effort to calm a tightened and…