Bearing With One Another

Bearing With One Another

  It’s not always easy, bearing with one another as we learn, growing in the spirit, just like it’s not always easy being behind the cautious, slow-moving driver in training. I’ll admit, if there’s an opportunity to switch lanes and zip past the awkwardness, I’ll most likely take the first opportunity to pass the student…

Picture of a cross

Are You Certain?

Are you certain? Are you saved? Are you certain? We had a phenomenal weekend at church. John Bevere came to speak, yet it was the Lord’s voice we “heard.” Don’t you love it when the anointing of the Lord is oh-so-evident in a Christian’s life and it overflows into the lives of others?  There’s nothing…

The Pause

He had a need for direction, a desire to understand the precise will of His God. With humility as his friend, the young man set his mind and heart toward understanding through fasting and prayer. He sought his Lord. And then he waited, and waited, and waited some more before the evidence of an answer…

Circle with post title - Fasting in the new Year

New Year

It’ s the New year. A couple of months ago I believe the Lord spoke clearly to me about taking care of His temple, my body. There were a few physical issues that were rearing their head, they were getting in the way of ministry to my family and to others because I simply didn’t…

If God Is For Us….

If God Is For Us….

 (Romans 8:30-32 AMP*)   The Lord opened a door of opportunity this week to spend time talking “shop” with fifteen amazing teenagers. The “shop” was a writer’s version, a home school writing club, where we discussed the ins and outs of publishing a book. What a fun time it was and what fun, talented kids…

Depart Jesus

Depart Jesus

  And behold,  the whole town went out to meet Jesus;  and as soon as they saw Him,  they begged Him to depart from their locality.   Matthew 8:34 AMP** The miracle had very recently been performed, the two who were so fierce and savage were set free at last! They could live life in a…

This One Who Came….

This One Who Came….

He’s a babe snugly swaddled in our precious nativity scenes. He’s the wee one we celebrate. He is Jesus.   This One who set foot on Earth so unassumingly, coming as a mere infant, arose into adulthood and ministered in magnificient ways. Healing was one of those. And, oh the places we’ll go when we…