Being A Joshua

Being A Joshua

He’s a spiritual superhero of great magnitude.  The aroma of his faith in the Lord drew to magnamous proportions, even when faced by the stench of unacceptance by the majority. He believed the Lord when it was spoken that he would be taken to the land of milk and honey, just as if he knew…

Keys to Praise

Keys to Praise

PRAISE   The Master musician’s hands have begun rendering His masterpiece. One at a time the keys settle, composing a melody of praise upon this heart.  With each note played, the piece is formulated with the utmost attention and care. The melody rings clear. The latest key in praise: I praise you because I am fearfully…

The Garment of Praise

The Garment of Praise

Isn’t this picture a beautiful scene? It’s very endearing to me because it’s our sweet daughter. Several years back in North Carolina she picked these “flowers”. They were technically weeds, but that was not a bother to our sweet daughter.  Instead, she made a bouquet of praise out of them. Can you see the trumpet…

Running Unlike Haman

Running Unlike Haman

Arrogance, pride and the desire to be respected due to title were his bondage, a portion at least.  Mordecai would appease him not, this man named Haman, in the circus arena of spiritual slavery. Anger entered the arena and joined forces with “holding a grudge” as Haman became more focused on his supposed problem: Mordecai….