A Prayer for the MilSpouse in Your Life
A Prayer for the MilSpouse in Your Life
My Navy Wife Story
I never wanted to be a milspouse.
It wasn’t on my bucket list. In fact, when my husband suggested going back into the Navy after broken service, I quipped with a quick, “Nada.” No prayer, no consideration, just no.
Why go where divorce rates were high and pseudo-single parenting abounded? Why give up my career and take a pay cut in half? Analytical thinking assured this wasn’t a wise move.
But I never asked God.
The Prayer Finally Uttered
After choir practice one night, however, the Holy Spirit banged a spiritual gong of sorts and gathered my attention. I bent a knee and prayed. Shortly after, the answer became clear.
God was calling my husband back to the Navy. We’d take a pay cut of nearly half our yearly income. I’d leave behind my career and familiarity. I was going to be a military spouse.
Our loving Father saw fit to place us in that lot for nearly twenty years. And goodness, He taught me much during that time!
The Prayers of Believers
I uttered many prayers and cherished the slew of prayers others offered on my behalf. Whether you have a military family member in your life or you’re simply familiar with the term, keep reading for a prayer for milspouses.
Because I can tell you from experience, military spouses, whether war time or peace, are in a spiritual battle to trust God daily with their needs.
What is a MilSpouse
A milspouse is simply a shortened term for a military spouse.
It includes the many wives and husbands of active duty members of the forces.
- Army
- Navy
- Air Force
- Space Force
- Marines.
- It can also include spouses of those in the Coast Guard and National Guard.
Those married to active duty members typically move and live under the same roof with their spouse. Not always, though. Some active members may fill a billet in a distant location–often a foreign country–by themself, leaving the milspouse to handle life on the homefront.
Some milspouses are believers. Many are not.
The harvest is ripe for salvation and mentorship in the military community. No doubt there’s room for faith in the milspouse’s life, and we fellow believers, whether civilian or retired military, have the opportunity to encourage their walk with Jesus.
Find Out More HERE
Outreach to the Military
Chaplains are active duty members whose purpose is faith outreach to and support for the troops. They offer programs for families as well. Chaplains are male and female, and their spouses are important for the cause of Christ, too. (Let’s don’t forget them!)
Missions groups such as The Navigators and CRU Military send missionaries to military installation areas. They spread the light of Christ. The list of organizations and missionaries focused on troops runs long.
CRU Missionaries
Here’s one missionary couple my husband and I pray for and have supported for well over two decades. They love Jesus, and it shows. They touch many lives for the cause of Christ. If you’re looking for an outreach to support, consider Cru missionaries to the military, Bill & Lisa.
Military Wife: A Prayer for Her
Life as a military wife can be exhausting. It’s one filled with constant change, emotional ups and downs as he leaves and then returns, fear for his safety, loneliness from weekends, holidays, and long stretches of time without him, not to mention weariness from pseudo-single parenting and helping other family members navigate this terrain as well.
But as military wives, we’re not alone. God sees and hears.
The lifestyle runs ripe for trust in the One who’s our true help: God Almighty. Take this prayer that’s specific for military wives and whisper it for yourself, share it, or offer it on behalf of a military wife somewhere out there.
Thank You for Your love and abundant grace for the military wife. You see her. You know her. You were the One who knitted her together in such wonderful and fearful fashion. Praise You. May she be rooted and grounded in her identity as a child of Christ. And if she’s not a believer yet, we pray for those walls to crumble, forgiveness for sins to abound, and for her to trust You in all her ways. Whatever is holding her back from truly trusting You, bring that fear or concern to the surface. Lay it bare. Fill her with understanding. And Lord, Your word tells us that if we ask for wisdom, it will be given in generous amounts. Pour out Your wisdom on this woman. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer for a MilSpouse
Take one prayer for a milspouse from below or all three, but please consider them as a beginning of quiet time with You and the Lord. Let these open the door for continued communication in the following days.
Prayer to Overcome Fear
You are not the author of fear. You write love and grace on the tablet of my heart. Peel back the layers, help me see where this fear sprouts from. Forgive me for embracing the lie, and in Jesus’ name, remove it. Replace it with courage and love. And top it with Your peace, because I know that Your perfect love casts out all fear. Praise You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer for Strength
I feel weak and wonder if I can do that which waits for me. I know that apart from You, I can do nothing. But You, Lord, assure me that if I remain in You, You will remain in me. And that’s the place of spiritual fruit. Fill me with courage that comes from above. Thank You for being my strength and shield, all-knowing God. With You at the helm, I have all I need. Praise You, Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for Emotional Healing
You see the wounds in my heart, the thoughts that continue to play. This is hard, Lord. I need healing for these sores from the ragged emotions. Make known the root, All-knowing God. Pull it like the unwanted weed it is. Blot out my transgressions, loving Savior. Pour out Your healing and peace upon me. I am willing. You are the healer of the brokenhearted. You are the binder of our wounds. In You I trust. Please heal me, Lord, and thank You for loving me. In Your wonderful name, Jesus. Amen.
A New Prayer Resource for the MilSpouse
Consider 101 Prayers for Military Wives as 101 invitations to spend quiet communion with God. With 19+ years as a military wife under my belt, I wrote these prayers specifically for the military wife, with an understanding of her needs and wants.
Use this beautiful gift book for yourself or as a gift for others. It works well as a tool for prayer warriors to better understand how to pray for the milspouse and her family too.
This is a beautiful little prayer book to keep on hand and it’s small enough to be put in your purse or bag for those traveling days too!
Isn’t it a lovely gem? Thanks for sharing, Stephanie.