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There are some questions that help up stand up even firmer in our faith.
Are you real, God? Are you there?
How do I know this faith is real?
I’m not sure I believe…… even though I’m a believer….
It’s okay to ask these questions. Sometimes, it’s paramount to our faith growth.
Questioning Faith
A recent conversation with fellow mama believer echoed some of these very questions. Although they weren’t out-rightly expressed as the words pecked above, the conversation swirled with words pertaining toa believer that was questioning their faith. This “someone” was very near and dear to her heart.
After walking miles with his Messiah, gaining understanding that truly Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah on a line straight from Heaven, Peter also squelched out something familiar to the phrases above. His words chimed to the tune of I will never disown you. Jesus predicted it, in fact, as he cast a call in the night that all the disciples would fall away on account of him. As a basketball referee clearly and concisely calls a blatant foul, Jesus called, “Denial!” to Peter. (Matthew 26)
Peter wasn’t buying it. Never would he deny his Christ. Certainly he could never walk away from the very One who performed numerous miracles in his presence. Never.
But he did.
When we become new believers, with all the excitement abounding, would we consider saying I will never disown you to our Jesus?
Not in that moment, most likely, no.
But then the trials come.
The questioning arises.
We wonder if He’s truly strong enough to carry us through this life.
Are you real, God?
Was that really You, or did I fantasize it all?
Are You there?
Where are You, God?!
Are You Real, God?
As a new believer, I, too, walked this road. I questioned whether God was real.
BUT, that questioning led to answers, and ultimately, to a stronger, unshakable faith. It was a necessary moment in the walk with my Lord, and these feet are now grounded like never before. I will not be moved. He is Lord.
In my case, the search for an answer led me to a women’s AGLOW meeting in Peachtree City, Georgia. It was there that a strong warrior of the Lord, Zandra, prayed over me. It was after that “digging in” session that God became real. Mind you, I had already asked Jesus to be my Savior, but I was now, several weeks later, questioning if He was real. I needed more, or staying the path simply wouldn’t be possible.
After that session, with the Holy Spirit situated front and center, there was no longer a question mark; that space of belief was now complete with a period. Question answered.
I have to think that Peter’s denial was a low point for him. He may not have turned completely away, but he did waiver in that moment. Many of us have been there.
But there’s always an opportunity to stand firmly to our feet once more.
“But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and spoke out to them, ‘You men of Judea, and all you who dwell at Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to my words.'”
Acts 2:14 WEB
Standing up.
I Pray that You’ll Stand Up in Faith
That’s my prayer today for the questioners, that they would stand, once again, with a firmness in which they will never be moved.
Maybe you know one. Maybe you are one. Be reassured: the path of questioning or denial, can lead to a stronger faith. Run forward, my friend, run!
Peter went on to speak with a fervency and a strength that captured the hearts of many, over 3,000 to be somewhat exact. Wow! Loser status has officially been cast down. Weakling is no longer his descriptor. He stood up, and God took over.
The Lord’s plans may include for us to touch the lives of many, or perhaps it’s bringing Him glory through one changed life. Numbers alone aren’t all there is to this walk, but I have to believe that standing up holds credence.
Standing up…
It is there, in that Peter-fashioned stand-up mode, that God is glorified. It is there that worship is heard and seen through our actions and words. So, sweet friend, today I pray that truly, you will press in and place periods where there are question marks. Today I pray that you find that unshakable faith that will carry you through this time on earth. Today I pray that you will stand up.
“For David says concerning him,
‘I saw the Lord always before my face,
for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.
Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced.
Moreover my flesh also will dwell in hope;
because you will not leave my soul in Hades,
neither will you allow your Holy One to see decay.
You made known to me the ways of life.
You will make me full of gladness with your presence.'”
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Do you struggle with rejection?
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