
Encouraging women to walk deeper with God at Kristi Woods (.net) through understanding and applying prayer in our lives for spiritual growth.

Four Keys to Effective Prayer {Guest Post by Jim Wolstenholm}

Four Keys to Effective Prayer {Guest Post by Jim Wolstenholm}

  Four Keys to Effective Prayer By Jim Wolstenholm Nearly everyone prays – you pray. But do you pray effective prayer? Does your prayer make a difference? Does your prayer get answered? Effective prayer is answered prayer! When we pray effective prayers, they make a profound difference. While faith that your prayers will be answered…

Dear Teacher, We Praise God for You ~ 2017

Dear Teacher, We Praise God for You ~ 2017

They’ve spoken into our lives. They speak into children’s lives even today. They plant seeds and dreams. They encourage and correct, hold feet firm to the task. They love and rebuke…and then love some more. They are teachers. We’re wrapping up yet another school year. It seems appropriate to thank those fearless warriors standing on…

WORD17, Week 16

WORD17, Week 16

Welcome to WORD17! Our memory verse this month is Matthew 7:7. There are three verbs. We talked about that a couple of Mondays ago here. All are separate, or are they? Digging into, we find a daisy-chain connection between all three verbs and our faith. Here’s what the Matthew Henry Commentary on offers:“Ask; represent your wants and…

WORD17, Week 14

WORD17, Week 14

“Ask and it will be given you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened for you. Matt. 7:7 WEB In this month’s verse, there are three verbs. Did you notice? All are composed and overflowing with action when we put spiritual muscle behind them and cause them to make their move….

How Do We Handle Envy? A Round Table Discussion {Part 2 of 4}

How Do We Handle Envy? A Round Table Discussion {Part 2 of 4}

Welcome back to “A Round Table Discussion”! Our conversation highlights envy this week – how to battle it well. Abby McDonald, Lisa Appelo, Tiffany Parry, Betsy de Cruz, and Kristine Brown are joining us as we throw the covers off envy. After all, it’s a temptation most of us face. Why not talk about how to conquer…

#ScriptureBank2016, Week 45

#ScriptureBank2016, Week 45

It’s #ScriptureBank2016. Today we’re praying from a thread of 1 Chron. 29:13. For past memory verses, more about #ScriptureBank2016, and other posts on memorizing scripture, click here. Don’t forget to sign up here to receive each week’s memory verse or prayer directly in your inbox. And guess what? You’ll also receive 15 Powerhouse Prayers from Ephesians,…