Spiritual Growth

Kristi Woods encourages faith growth with these tools, ideas, and conversations centered on the Bible, self-worth, love, prayer, and trust.

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What Happens When Our Prayer Changes From “My” Will to “Thy” Will?

Have you ever transitioned “my” will to “Thy” will? It’s often not easy. Just look at Jesus when He spoke the words in Luke 22:42. But good things happen when that transition happens. Here’s a story to encourage us. What’s Thy Will? “Will you pray for us, Kristi? We’re hoping to get orders to Northwest,” my…

Dear Me…Letters To My Younger Self: A Guest Post at CarmenHorne.com

Dear Me…Letters To My Younger Self: A Guest Post at CarmenHorne.com

Dear Younger Me, Hello there, beautiful one. My, you’re a lovely masterpiece today. God’s work in you is good, and I praise Him. This I know full well. Oh, how I wish you knew that, too… …to continue reading this letter, please follow the link here. This letter to my Younger Me is part of a…